  Identify why the Battle of Saratoga is considered the turning point of the American Revolution.  Try to identify as many reasons as you can. Set Question.


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Presentation transcript:

  Identify why the Battle of Saratoga is considered the turning point of the American Revolution.  Try to identify as many reasons as you can. Set Question

Chapter 6: The American Revolution

  You should be able to:  Describe the conditions at Valley Forge  Describe how Valley Forge changed the Continental Army. Objectives

  Commissary – food supplies  Munitions – weapons and ammunition  Rustle – to obtain or to get What term does this picture represent? New Vocab Terms

  As a class read the short excerpt of the play.  Discuss the following questions:  Who is Teague?  What is Washington’s role?  What does Teague want?  Why wont Washington let him?  In 2 complete sentences do you think Washington should let Teague go home without punishment? Explain your reasoning. Valley Forge by Maxwell Anderson page 185

 Washington Inspecting the Camp

  Directions: Write a one paragraph (5 sentence minimum) letter home as if you were a soldier in the Continental Army at Valley Forge.  Things you may want to include in your letter:  Camp Conditions  Food Supply  Clothing  Training (Baron von Steuben)  The British  Disease  Weather Reference pages if needed. Letter Home