The I.R.L.C The soon to be colony living on mars. Independent Renewed Loyal Colony
I. Preamble We the people of the “Independent Renewed Loyal Colony,” in order to form a more perfect colony, establish equal paying jobs, insure peace, and fortify the colony when needed. As the leaders of the “Independent Renewed Loyal Colony” (I.R.L.C.)we ordain this constitution for the people.
II. Government *The people are our Government of the colony. All decisions are made by the people and only the people; Majority rules. As the representatives we will present ideas and respect all choices made by the people of the IRLC.
III. Governmental Powers *As the Representatives we will present all decisions to the people. Once all the people know of the decisions voting will take place. As we have stated before majority rules.
IV. Selection of Officials *All Representatives will be in office for a total of 2 years. One may only be placed in office 3 times in their lifetime. After two years pass we will reinstate new people. If one wishes to run again they may if they haven't been in office 3 times already. The people will vote for the representative of their choice and must be 15 to vote. Future representatives must be the age of 25 or over.
V. Enforcement of Laws *Any of those who break the laws shall work in the sanitation. If the crime is especially heinous they shall be sentenced to exile and shall be miles away from IRLC with little air, food, and water. If they make it back alive their banishment shall be expunged.
VI. Resolution of Disputes The dispute shall be reviewed and the Representatives shall vote again until there is no longer an issue at hand. If the dispute is still not solved Representatives will come up with a compromise that combines both issues so it is resolved.
Government Why our government works? Our democratic government works for us because…… Everyone works for what they have unless they are on medical leave or disabled. Everyone votes on every issue. There are no tax disputes. Rebellion and law breaking are severely punished.
Military At the age of seventeen all people will receive military training for six months. If they don’t pass an annual test of fitness and survival skills they have to go back to military training for another six months if you fail more than three times you are not eligible for military retirement. At the age of thirty-seven a person may choose to retire from the military. By age 45 you will be forced to retire from the military service. All people with physical or mental illnesses will not be required to join the military. People that are interested in military technology and strategies will go through separate training courses in special intelligence.
Education and Health Care How are education and health care provided for? All health care and education is paid for through the FUN TAX! This means that whenever you pay for anything besides food and drink then you pay a little extra to provide for education and health care.
Distributing jobs Children Take classes at a young age that deal with all the job types they have to chose from. When they are older they take the job they did best at or enjoyed the most. If they do poorly on the job they will be transferred to another occupation. All Law Breakers Will Be sent To Work At Sanitation If the Crime Is More Terrible Than Usual Than Further Action Must Be Taken. Jobs Builders Gardeners Medical Teachers Government Leaders Sanitation Clothing Marketing Plumbers Emergency People