Marksmanship Program - First year to participate in the Air Rifle Competition Unarmed Drill Team/Color Guard/Armed Drill Team - Mid-South Drill Meet - Posted colors at games/programs (Color Guard) Participate Ultimate Challenge Conducted Cadet Challenge Brigade Board - BDE: S-1, S-5, CSM, and Sons of American Revolution LET-1
20 October 2008 C/LTC Renee Treadwell Cobra Battalion Commander C/LTC (LET III) Kiara Tate 4 March 2009
Unit Accomplishments Battalion Staff School History Cobra Battalion Goals Duties and Responsibilities Battalion Weaknesses Battalion Future Events Questions
BN CDR C/LTC Kiara Tate XO C/MAJ Ray Allen CSM C/CSM Joshua Brown
S-1 C/LTC Ikeya Prewitt S-3 C/2LT Marquisha Mead S-4 C/CPT Latorya Hordges S-5 C/LTC Joseph Smith
First open in 1957 and reconstructed from 1997/98 to what you see today. Current enrollment is about 621 students in grades 9 – 12. Student enrolled in JROTC on the books (59 S-1 will explain later) Cadre assigned to school, August 2007: MAJ Dorsett and SFC Benymon have been here 2 years. Mrs. Mason became principal in July 2006
Recruit quality cadets Rebuild the Cobra Battalion to be competitive in all events and activities To prepare selected cadets for JCLC To instill discipline and Espirit-de-corps in the cadets of the battalion
Score in the 95 percentile on the Annual Unit Inspection Place in the top 10 of 24 MCS in the Best Overall Unit Competition Increase unit standing from Merit Unit (3 rd ) to Honor Unit (2 nd ) based on overall yearly performance
Maintained and updated all cadet personnel files on Joint Unit Management Systems Submitted monthly reports on time each month Ensured all requirements for the inspection have been met Prepare and publish any orders necessary for the operation of the battalion
Prepare the weekly training schedules Inspect cadet training for compliance Organize events such as reviews, parades, and extracurricular activities Maintain the training portion of cadet records
Maintain accountability of all equipment and supplies used by the unit Maintain the supply room in a neat and orderly fashion at all times Collect and dispose of excess salvage equipment and clothing Order and issues items as required to accomplish training requirements
Organized this years scrap book to ensure a good historical record of events. Coordinated with yearbook staff to ensure that JROTC activities are included Ensured notices and news announcements were read during morning announcements Maintain quality newspaper for the battalion
Experience Time Management Uniform Knowledge Lack of Initiative
MCS Cadet Challenge Prep for JCLC Military Ball Annual Picnic Service Learning Projects Summer Unit Training Program Boy Scouts of America Army Venture Day