SPARTA End of the Year Project 6th period MATT FLOWERS SPARTA End of the Year Project 6th period
SPARTAN MILITARY In ancient Sparta military training was the rule, and absolutely nothing else. Sparta was classified as nothing else but the military power house of Greece. The citizens of Sparta were great believers in their state. Ancient Spartans placed the state above themselves and the state demanded soldiers to protect it with their own lives and nothing less.
Spartan Phalanx Formation The Spartan Phalanx formation was one of the most effective fighting formations in its time. The Phalanx was only as strong as its weakest link as the soldiers stood shoulder to shoulder with long spears and shields.
SPARTAN TRAINING FACTS Spartan boys were taking away when they became 7 years old to begin their life long training to defend the great Spartan legacy of the best warriors alive. They trained everyday and had to fight or steal for there food.
LEONIDAS Leonidas was one of the best Spartan leaders in its history. He lead Sparta to many victories and was the definition of “warrior king.” He fought beside his army to his death but with great dignity and fight.
The Turtle Formation The turtle formation was used to protect the soldiers from Archers that were constantly shooting arrows at them.
FACTS ABOUT SPARTA Sparta (also known as Lacedaemeon) is situated on the southern Peloponnesus, and was originally founded during the Dorian invasions. Training for the military began at age 7,as all Spartan boys left home to go to military school. From then until the time they were 18, they were subject to harsh training and discipline. Historical accounts tell of Spartan boys as being allowed no shoes, very few clothes, and being taught to take pride in enduring pain and hardship.