Chapters Quiz Review Shaffer January 2015
Who was responsible for purchasing the arms (weapons) and clothing for each individual soldier? Answer: The individual soldier
Which weather factor helped Washington and his soldiers at Long Island? Answer: Fog
Hessians are professional soldiers from which country? Answer: Germany
How many German troops fought in America? Answer: 30,000
What river did Washington and his soldiers cross on Christmas Eve 1776 Answer: Delaware
Where did the British settle in for the winter of 1776? Answer: New York City
Who was the British general who messed up Burgoyne’s plans for Saratoga? Answer: General Howe
Which river area did Burgoyne want to capture to cut off New England and New York from the rest of the colonies? Answer: Hudson River
Who was the Polish military engineer who picked the site at Saratoga and fortified it with cannons? Answer: Tadeusz Kosciuszko
Where did Washington take his army for encampment in the winter of ? Answer: Valley Forge
About how many of George Washington’s men died in the winter of ? Answer: 2,000
Who began training 100 men at a time and drilled the entire army during the winter of ? Answer: Baron Friedrich von Steuben
Who did Washington appoint as quartermaster general (in charge of supplies)? Answer: Nathanael Greene
What was George Rogers Clark’s nickname? Answer: Mitchi Malsa
Who was Virginia’s governor in 1778? Answer: Patrick Henry
Who was the 21 year old spy who was a school teacher from Yale who ended up getting caught and hanged by the British? Answer: Nathan Hale