EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT REPORT SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 Justin T. Augustine, III Driver Recognition(s) Tiger VI Update Service Expansion Update
3 Community Outreach: “Friends of RTA” Ambassadors handed out brochures to riders and answered questions at 23 stop locations beginning the week of September 15 and continuing through this week. Brochures explaining service expansion were provided to 51 locations for distribution to clients, customers, visitors. Locations included businesses, NORD facilities, libraries, schools, all trans-pass vendor locations, HANO resident councils, and others. Brochures and Rider Alerts produced in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese were placed on all vehicles. 37 churches directly impacted by service changes received brochures for distribution. “Friends of RTA” Ambassadors performed riding tours of service Saturday, September 20 – Monday, September 22.
4 Community Outreach: RTA representatives attended Franklin Avenue Baptist Church to announce changes during Lunchtime Bible study on Wednesday, September 17 and are invited back for evening Bible study Wednesday, September 24. Brochures and rider alerts were forwarded to neighborhood associations, elected official offices, businesses, and non-profits for distribution to their lists and constituents. Thank You to all who helped!!!
5 Digital Media: highlighted service expansion. Digital media outlets are being utilized to promote service changes via twitter, facebook, YouTube, and other venues. Website: According to Google Analytics between Sept 12-22, was viewed as below; 42,300 pageviews (up 20.58% from the week before) 12,872 users (up 14.03% from the week before) 63.47% new user sessions (up 1.01% from the week before) Twitter Reach: Sept 12 - First push to twitter. Views totaled 2,170 Sept 16 - Second push to twitter. Views totaled 2,187 Sept 19 - Third push to twitter. Views totaled 1,572 Facebook: Sept 12 - First push to Facebook. Views totaled 232 Sept 16 - Second push to Facebook. Views totaled 582. Of total views 123 clicked to website Route Maps Sept 19 - Third push to Facebook. Views totaled 871. Of total views 137 clicked to website Route Maps. Of total views 143 clicked to website to view WWL-CBS Interview.
6 Media Relations: RTA Service Enhancement has been featured in Radio, Television, and Print media including appearances on WBOK, WWNO, WQUE Wild Wayne Show, WDSU Sunday Edition, WWL Morning Show and multiple others. TV placements. TV Press Report: September , 2014 Total Story Count: 26 Total Audience Estimate: 699,275 Total Calc Publicity Value: $15,162 The Board Chair will be taping a segment for Telemundo TV later today. Media bookings and appearances are ongoing.
September 22, 2014 Canal/Algiers Point and Lower Algiers/Chalmette Ferry Routes Financial and Operations Report For the Period February 16, 2014 – August 31, 2014
8 Veolia Transportation Services Ferry Operations Statement of Expenses and Revenues For August, 2014
Project Status Update Streetcar Expansion BOARD REPORT September 23, 2014
Streetcar Expansion Rampart Streetcar Expansion Held bid opening for IFB construction contractor for the Rampart streetcar expansion on September 9, 2014, five bids received. Procurement Department and Management Oversight Committee finishing their respective reviews of the bids. The selection of the lowest responsible and responsive bidder will be presented to the Board of Commissioners at the October Board Meeting. Entergy continues to move forward with relocation of their underground and overhead facilities – still on schedule to be completed prior to RTA contractor starting work. AT&T is ready to award contract for the relocation of their fiber optic lines, this work is expected to start the second week of October and be completed by the end of October
Streetcar Expansion Rampart Streetcar Expansion
Streetcar Expansion Rampart Streetcar Expansion Final Design scheduled for completion end of June 2013 pushed to September 27, pushed end of May, Construction solicitation pushed from 3 rd / 4 th Quarter 2013 to 2 nd / 3rd Quarter Award construction contract pushed from 4 th Quarter 2013 to late 3 rd Quarter Construction to begin 1 st Quarter 2014 pushed early 4 th quarter 2014 Revenue service 4 th quarter 2015 pushed late 1 st quarter - early 2 nd quarter 2016
NEW GRANT: STATE OF GOOD REPAIR Grant includes repairs and renovations to: Carrollton and Napoleon Facilities
Carrollton Streetcar Facility State of Good Repair
Board awarded contract for A&E Services in August 2012 to Royal Engineering Notice to Proceed issued on September 5, 2012 Kick-off meeting was held on October 3, % Design has been completed and forwarded to FTA for review FTA approval received on June 20, 2013, now moving forward with Final Design Received 100% plans and specs Approval to solicit for construction at March 2014 Board Meeting Bidding process pending with bids due end of April 2014 Bidding process resulted in only one bid over budget, June 24, 2014 Board Meeting to Reject and Resolicit Engineers Plans and Specifications submitted and under review for solicitation Carrollton Facility – State of Good Repair
Napoleon Facility State of Good Repair
Board awarded contract for A&E Services in August 2012 to Landmark Consulting Notice to Proceed issued on September 5, 2012 Kick-off meeting held on September 25, 2012 Change Order CO-01 for Landmark Consulting was approved at the May Board Meeting Additional damage and remediation work discovered, meeting with FEMA on April 22 th version is in progress A request for solicitation for remediation work was approved at the May Board Meeting Solicitation package for Remediation Work is out for public bid Pre-bid on March 7 th, bids due on March 24 th Two bids received contract awarded to lowest bidder, Cross Environmental Services Pre-Construction Meeting held on Thursday, June 19, 2014, Work Permit begins on June 30, 2014 Environmental work completed, engineers evaluating roof structure for current wind loading Napoleon Facility – State of Good Repair
Canal Blvd. Streetcar/Bus Terminal
An Environmental Assessment was in progress by Arcadis, however work was temporarily stopped waiting for engineering to mitigate issues discovered FTA has requested a significant level of Engineering before they can approve the environmental process and issue a FONSI Board approved to solicit for A&E at the October 23, 2012 Meeting Pre-proposal meeting was held on December 12, 2012 Contract for A&E Services was issued to Infinity Engineering 30% Design was completed and sent to FTA for review Draft Environmental Assessment was sent to FTA in April Initial FTA comments received and documents are being modified FTA approval to move forward with engineering on May 16, 2014 Meeting held on June 12, 2014 with Businesses and Neighborhood Associations
Canal Blvd. Streetcar/Bus Terminal Attorney General’s Opinion required to move forward, Request at June 24, 2014 Board Meeting. Attorney General approved our requested process. FTA requested us to perform updates to the traffic report, this will require a Change Order to move forward. Will be presented to Board for approval at September 2014 Meeting Change Order for exploratory excavations at poles was approved at July’s Board Meeting. Work is being scheduled to complete. 60% Design Workshop was held on August 22, 2014 with all Utilities. Exploratory excavations began on September 22, 2014.
FEMA PROGRESS September 23, 2014
Number of PW’s – 116 FEMA Estimate of Repairs - $119,294, Total Estimate of Repairs (with insurance) - $131,553, Reimbursements to Date from State - $103,395, State PW Close-out Team from Baton Rouge working with us to complete process Request to Solicit for Consultant Services to Assist with Close Out Process at June 24, 2014 Board Meeting Currently 99 PW’s in close out with 22 closed and 31 in final close out process Working with FEMA and GOHSEP to expedite PW closure FEMA Status - Katrina
Infrastructure End of Report
AUGUST FINANCIALS Presented By: Ronald Baptiste September 23, 2014
Operating Revenues Passenger FaresSales Tax 2014 Current Month Year to Date Annual Budget Actual $ Var. %Var. Budget Actual $ Var. %Var. Budget Operating Revenues Passenger Fares1,552,3181,570,59818, % 12,461,62711,740,024(721,603)(5.79%) 18,902,815 General Use Sales Tax4,318,5364,891,946573, % 35,688,27338,701,6913,013, % 54,151,122 State Motor Veh. Sales Tax308,019513,858205, % 2,364,9773,075,140710, % 3,533,195 Hotel/Motel Sales Tax441,995360,077(81,918)(18.53%) 3,963,9344,394,231430, % 5,847,325 Other Revenue110,309103,748(6,561)(5.95%) 975,1141,115,345140, % 1,419,115 Total Operating Revenues6,731,1777,440,228709, % 55,453,92559,026,4303,572, % 83,853,572
Operating Expenses Labor and Fringe Benefits15,28816,814(1,526)(9.98%) 124,715125,751(1,036)(0.83%) 187,792 Services5,494,8705,455,52839, % 44,324,88739,055,9585,268, % 67,565,355 Materials and Supplies456,729407,99748, % 3,619,2103,143,230475, % 5,425,165 Utilities116,13498,43617, % 868,354881,438(13,084)(1.51%) 1,325,109 Casualty & Liability516,186677,537(161,351)(31.26%) 4,071,3864,277,715(206,329)(5.07%) 6,136,130 Taxes30,62224,0436, % 241,815210,02931, % 362,912 Miscellaneous5,9454,1951, % 48,42537,89910, % 73,270 Total Operating Expenses (excl. Depr.)6,635,7746,684,551(48,777)(0.74%) 53,298,79247,732,0205,566, % 81,075,733 Operating Surplus / (Deficit)95,403755,677660, % 2,155,13311,294,4109,139, % 2,777,839
TMSEL Legacy Costs 2014 Current Month Year to Date Annual Budget Actual $ Var. %Var. Budget Actual $ Var. %Var. Budget TMSEL Legacy Costs TMSEL Pension Costs166, % 1,333, % 2,000,000 TMSEL Health Benefit Costs266,433277,391(10,958)(4.11%) 2,131,4671,439,459692, % 3,197,200 TMSEL Workers' Comp. Costs33,33317,43415, % 266,666548,722(282,056)(105.77%) 400,000 TMSEL All Other Costs69,29280,370(11,078)(15.99%) 554,333615,507(61,174)(11.04%) 831,500 Total TMSEL Legacy Costs535,725541,862(6,137)(1.15%) 4,285,8003,937,022348, % 6,428,700 Surplus / (Deficit) (Before Govt. Asst.)(440,322)213,815654,137(148.56%) (2,130,667)7,357,3889,488, % (3,650,861)
Maritime Operations 2014 Current Month Year to Date Annual Budget Actual $ Var. %Var. Budget Actual $ Var. %Var. Budget Maritime Operations Passenger Fares0116, % 0914, % 0 Services0(320,254)320, % 0(2,105,121)2,105, % 0 Materials and Supplies0(45,801)45, % 0(226,725)226, % 0 Other0(65) % 0(315) % 0 State Subsidy0249, % 01,417, % 0 Total Maritime Operations % 000 0
Government Operating Assistance 2014 Current Month Year to Date Annual Budget Actual $ Var. %Var. Budget Actual $ Var. %Var. Budget Government Operating Assistance Preventive Maintenance784,631841,74557, % 6,277,0496,731,849454, % 9,415,574 State Parish Transportation180, % 1,443,4181,466,40422, % 2,165,128 Federal - Other27,29018,114(9,176)(33.62%) 218,320139,577(78,743)(36.07%) 327,480 Other State Funds34,00012,328(21,672)(63.74%) 272,000109,698(162,302)(59.67%) 408,000 Total Gov’t. Operating Assistance1,026,3481,052,61426, % 8,210,7878,447,528236, % 12,316,182 Surplus / (Deficit) (After Govt. Asst.)586,0261,266,429680, % 6,080,12015,804,9169,724, % 8,665,321
Government Non-Operating Expenses and Revenues 2014 Current Month Year to Date Annual Budget Actual $ Var. %Var. Budget Actual $ Var. %Var. Budget Operating Surplus / (Deficit) (from pg. 2)586,0261,266,429680, % 6,080,12015,804,9169,724, % 8,665,321 Government Non-Operating Rev. (Exp.) Federal - Capital1,833,239953,430(879,809)(47.99%) 12,494,6634,016,826(8,477,837)(67.85%) 19,058,121 Local - Capital1,422,211233,898(1,188,313)(83.55%) 11,916,3551,999,433(9,916,922)(83.22%) 22,137,581 Capital Expenditures(3,882,310)(1,287,001)2,595,309(66.85%) (28,427,686)(6,567,648)21,860,038(76.90%) (47,468,05 9) FEMA Insurance Reimbursement400,0000(400,000)0.00% 1,569,5890(1,569,589)0.00% 3,350,366 FEMA Project Worksheets733,04053,589(679,451)100.00% 4,286,099584,336(3,701,763)100.00% 9,082,004 FEMA Project Worksheet Expenditures(1,133,040)(53,228)1,079,812(95.30%) (5,855,688)(421,930)5,433,758(92.79%) (12,432,37 0) Total Gov't. Non-Operating Rev. (Exp.)(626,860)(99,313)527, % (4,016,668)(388,984)3,627, % (6,272,357) Total Revenues (Expenses) Before Capital Expenditures and Debt(40,834)1,167,1161,207,950( %) 2,063,45215,415,93213,352, % 2,392,964
Capital Interest, Long Term Debt, and Other Funding Sources 2014 Current Month Year to Date Annual Budget Actual $ Var. %Var. Budget Actual $ Var. %Var. Budget Capital Expenditures Interest Income - Capital (bonds)117,00064,127(52,873)45.19% 986,000489,549(496,451)50.35% 1,435,000 Capital Interest Expense(402,405)(468,299)(65,894)(16.38%) (3,219,238)(3,743,434)(524,196)(16.28%) (4,828,856) Interest from Disaster Borrowing(125,176) 00.00% (1,001,406)(1,001,405)10.00% (1,502,108) Total Capital Expenditures(410,581)(529,348)(118,767)(28.93%) (3,234,644)(4,255,290)(1,020,646)(31.55%) (4,895,964) Principal on Long Term Debt (429,870)(429,869)10.00% (3,438,955) 00.00% (5,158,432) Principal on Capital Lease % French Quarter / Rampart Loop(228,333) (0)0.00% (1,826,666)(1,826,667)(1)(0.00%) (2,740,000) Total Principal on Long Term Debt(658,203) 0(0.00%) (5,265,621) (0)(0.00%) (7,898,432) Net Rev. less Capital Exp. and Principal on Long Term Debt(1,109,618)(20,435)1,089, % (6,436,813)5,895,02112,331, % (10,401,432 ) Other Funding Sources Restricted Operating / Capital Reserve 1,109,61820,4351,089, % 6,436,813(5,895,021)12,331, % 10,401,432 Total Other Funding1,109,61820,4351,089, % 6,436,813(5,895,021)12,331, % 10,401,432 Net Revenue / Expenses % 000 0
Operations Status Update | September 23, 2014 Ridership Accidents Operator Interaction Call Center Performance On Time Performance
ADA Report
Paratransit Report August 2014 Paratransit stats; Trips requested = 21,838 Trips Completed = 17,707 Total Passengers = Total hours = 10,037 On-Time Performance 85.00% Trips Cancelled = 4,106 Trips Denied = 0 Active Clients = 1,235
Cleaner, Smarter