Welcome to Back to School Night! Please take a minute to fill out the ‘Back to School Night Questionnaire’ Byington - Green Crockett -Blue Decker - Orange
AGENDA Technology Grant: Equipment List, Student Responsibilities, Permission Slips Academics: Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, Other Homework: Math, Spelling Contracts, Home Reading, Homework Folders! Field Trips: Clear Creek & Home of America Questions: Please let us know how we can help!
TECHNOLOGY YAY! We wrote a grant and were funded, receiving $150,000 worth of technology for our 5th grade classes! Our technology list: Teacher laptop / workstation $1, Interactive Promethean Board - 77" min $1, Mounting fee to permantly mount to wall $300.0 Projector lumens min $ Digital camera mega pixel min mb SD card $ Student Laptops (2-1 ratio min) $31, Student Laptops cart $4, SanDisk 2GB Cruzer Micro USB 2.0 w/ Ready Boost $24.00 Software: Smart Notebook, Inspiration, MS Office, iLife $2, Audio Enhancement device $1, ELMO- Document Camera $1,000 $48,484.16
ACADEMICS MATH: Balanced Math - We will be combining multiple math programs together to ensure all Utah State Core Curriculum and NCTM Standards are sufficiently taught. We will be using Investigations, Scott Foresman, Utah Core Academy, and other math programs.
ACADEMICS Science: Matter, Electricity, Magnetism, Earth Science, and Heredity will be taught this year. We will be doing rotations. Each student will get to rotate to each teacher twice this year.
ACADEMICS Social Studies: American History & Government - From early explorers to the present. Students will be studying all about America, including current events, the Presidential Election, and learn about the 50 states.
ACADEMICS Language Arts: Students will learn how to be good readers, writers, and speakers. Track time is reserved for literacy time where we will be practicing reading comprehension, fluency, elements of literature, authors, genres, and more! Goal: All students on a 5th grade reading level, reading at least 130 words per minute, at an accuracy of at least 97 percent.
HOMEWORK Math: Math homework (for the most part) will be handed out each day Monday-Thursday and will be due the following day. It is important that students complete and turn in their math homework on time to receive the practice they need at home to be successful in class.
HOMEWORK Spelling: Contracts are given the first day of the week and are due the last day of the week. Directions on the contract indicate that one activity should be complete each night. On due date, students should attached all assignments AND receive a parent signature.
HOMEWORK Home Reading: It is important that each student reads 30 minutes each night. Reading grades will be assessed for home reading. Parents, please remind and help your children do this every night! All reading minutes MUST have a parent signature.
HOMEWORK Special Projects: At certain times throughout the year we will be assigning special projects. These projects are to be completed at home. Little or no classroom time will be given for students to complete these projects. Examples: Autobiographical Time Lines, Book Reports such as Wax Museum, Storytelling Festival, State Reports. All due dates will be clearly stated.
FIELD TRIPS Clear Creek:
FIELD TRIPS Hope of America:
THANK YOU! Thank you for coming! Thank you for the time you spend with your children! Thank you for your donations of supplies/money! Thank you for helping your children with their homework! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Please make sure to turn in your questionnaire to your child’s teacher before you leave!