PHBAO Meetings January 22, 2004 February 26, 2004 March 25, 2004 April 22, 2004 May 27, 2004
Parent Involvement Unit Cheryl Newman Norma Ruvalcaba Lucy Rivero Sylvia Calmes Jean Hickmon Lavata Washington Dorothy Samuel Doris Velásquez
Planning for PHBAO Ms. Sylvia Calmes Ms. Cheryl Newman
Focus on Articulation PHBAO Parent Reps from District G schools are active participants.
PHBAO Parents Articulate Parents understand how important it is to have articulation conversations between grade levels as well as between elementary,middle and high schools.
Articulate Articulators
Mrs. Calmes Opens the PHBAO Meeting
Superintendent Sharon Valear Robinson Mrs. Robinson welcomes the PHBAO Representatives monthly. She gives district updates.
Cheryl Newman Introduces Speaker, Pat Burt
PSA Resources for PHBAO Pat Burt and Laura Ewing discuss the importance of attendance and homework.
Proactive Parenting Parents become informed regarding making regular visits to schools to learn what your child needs in the next grade.
Learning Resources Kay Benson gave information on how to get additional help for your child, as she/he matriculates from grade to grade and school to school.
Mrs. Robinson Greets Kay Benson
Parents Learn the System Mr. Samuel Chanaíwa and Marianne Holtziner review the importance of math and reading with parents.
Math on the Move Mr. Chanaíwa discusses how to move from 5th grade and 6th grade math into Algebra and Geometry.
Parents: Our Colleagues
Parents are learning…learning
and understanding
How articulation helps students
The Guide on the Side
Credits J. Noble Sure Shot Productions 2004