EP101 Intro to Classroom Mgmt Unit 2 Setting the Stage for Learning
Agenda Questions on Unit 1? Preview Unit 2 Assignments/Readings Seminar Questions Conclusion
Unit 1 Wrap-Up Various title of a Para NCLB and Paraprofessional Role (supervision & training) Most work in Elementary 50% in Special Ed 1/3 belong to unions 40% work part time
Unit 1 Wrap-Up Variety of duties including; Instructional/clerical support One-on-one/small group support Reinforcement/specialty area Supervise in school, café, field trips Grading/check homework Computer/audio-visual equipment
Unit 1 Wrap-Up Title 1 Schools/NCLB more rigorous standards On-the-job training Tuition reimbursement/time away from job for advancing education Employment trend to grow faster than average (esp. for SLL) Opportunities best for those paras with formal college education and second language
Field Trip! Meet the Authors of your Text Training Paraprofessionals and Teachers that Work with Them at qeTFLvy1E qeTFLvy1E Betty Ashbaker & Jill Morgan, authors of “Paraprofessionals in the Classroom”
Unit 2 Assignments Readings: Paras in the Classroom –Chapter 2 (US Educational System) & Study Guide Presentation “Classroom Culture and Behavior Management” Learning Activities Presentation "A 5th Grade Learning Community" Game-Fact Cards Unit Summary Graded Reviews (2) Discussion Question –setting the tone Seminar (option #1 or #2—review archive)
Unit 2 Preview Setting the Stage for Learning Paras in the Classroom-Ch. 2 “The US Educational System” Federal, state & local regulations Historical and legal influences Education the authority of states (not Fed Government)-10 th Amendment of Constitution 14 th Amend “due process and equal protection”
Virtual Field Trip! Video: History of Special Education at suJ4Mh4&feature=related suJ4Mh4&feature=related Why were all these laws passed? What was the cornerstone of special education law?
Unit 2 Preview: Legislation PL /Ed. Of All Handicapped Children’s Act (influenced 1975 Brown vs. Bd. Of Ed of Topeka-segregation) resulted in education for all children on equal terms Reauthorized as IDEA: 1990, 1997, 2004 (IDEIA) 1965: Title I of Elementary and Second. Ed Act (aka NCLB, 2001)-originally support disadvantaged students-qualifications for paras 1973: Section 504 of Voc. Rehabilitation Act 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act FERPA-Family Ed. Rights and Privacy Act State compliance plans for special ed, ELL and Bilingual Programs, Head Start and 504 Plans
Summary of Laws States must provide equal access to education for ALL students, regardless of disabilities, financial circumstances, race, culture, etc. Each authorization of laws provide greater detail/expansion of the law & funds Federal funding provided to implement programs More detail to para role (job description, qualifications)
Classroom Culture & Behavior Management Managing the Classroom Positive learning community Cooperative learning, peer interaction Appreciation of diversity Students actively engaged in learning and rules of class Safety and respect leads to academic risk taking Physical environment Rules/procedures Appropriate /consistent consequences of misbehavior Communication with colleagues/parents
Virtual Field Trip! A current teacher's perspective on classroom management at _4_n-2Y _4_n-2Y How is this teacher facilitating a positive classroom community?
Classroom Culture Student centered atmosphere Positive tone Build relationships Balanced atmosphere-discussions, movement vs. focused, and sharing vs. independent seatwork Shared decision-making Class procedures Noise level?
Seminar Questions 1. What are some of the changes that have occurred in the educational system that affect paraprofessionals? 2. Why is it important to learn about classroom management as an educational paraprofessional? 3. What sort of atmosphere do you think would be conducive to learning? 4. What do you see as essential in managing behavior in the classroom? 5. If you were meeting the teacher you were assigned to work with as a paraprofessional, what talents or personal skills would you want him/her to know that you have?
Field Trip Video at National Resource Center for Paraprofessionals website Sheryl Traetow, Educational Support Professional of the Year in Iowa, Hansen Elementary School in Cedar Falls, IA at educational-support-professional-year-iowahttp:// educational-support-professional-year-iowa How does a para make a difference?
A Look Ahead--Unit 3 Effective Work Habits An in depth exploration of paraprofessional roles/duties Managing Behavior Organization Time Management Study Habits
Concluding Thoughts Wise words~ A wise school teacher sends this note to all parents on the first day of school: "If you promise not to believe everything your child says happens at school, I'll promise not to believe everything he says happens at home.