Welcome Future 5th Grade Parents! Ms. Hazday, Ms. Campbell and Ms. D
Speaking and Listening Inquiry ● Speaking and Listening focus is across disciplines ● Grade teams, Specials, and Administration study student work and student “talk” weekly to promote speaking and listening skills ● 5th Grade Speaking and Listening skills emphasize: building on each other’s ideas - this demonstrates active listening and higher order thinking ● 5th Grade Speaking and Listening protocols include an emphasis on: o Debate/Socratic Seminar o Fishbowl o Critiquing o Groupwork
English Language Arts ● Expeditionary Language Arts Curriculum is the forefront of creating classroom-ready Common Core curricular materials. ●End of Unit Performance Tasks require students to write in different genres. ●The curriculum builds character through learning about real world issues, through both NF and Fiction texts. ● Achievement + Character = Growth ● The emphasis on Social Responsibility and Character Building through literacy is what makes this curriculum special.
Go Math! Engaging and interactive approach to master the Math Standards Students use and complete tasks in a class workbook and are assigned homework daily in the Standards Practice Book *Please note: Multiplication facts are a Third Grade Common Core Standard. Please ensure that your student has mastered their multiplication facts through 12 X 12.
Social Studies ● NY State Social Studies updated this year! ● 5th Grade Scope and Sequence - features case studies to explore different cultures ● Human Rights awareness and activism are embedded in Expeditionary Learning
Behavior Management Systems 1. PBIS - Positive Behavior Intervention System (Schoolwide) * Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe 2. How am I Doing? Tracker (Classroom)
Homework Policy ● Agendas will go home daily along with the Reading Log. ● Please ensure you are initialing both every night. ● Designated Spot Strategy
Communication ● Tuesday Afternoons (2:20 to 3:00) ● Policy - s are checked between 2:20 and 4:00. If you send an , past this time, expect a response the next day. ● Our
5th Grade - Important Dates! September 10 - First day of School Testing Dates - ELA April 5-7, 2016 Math April 13-15, th Grade Middle School Applications (More information to Come!)
Looking Ahead Rosie’s Theater Kids Yearbook Senior Graduation Senior Trip