The Marine Biome Marine Invertebrates: Mollusca
Clams Mussels Snails Octopus Squid
Body Type Bilateral symmetry Soft bodied animals, most have a hard protective shell ▫ Some classified as bivalves Mantle covers the body ▫ Protective tissue
Body Type Most have eyes Octopi have well developed brains
Motion Snails and Bivalves have a muscular foot Octopi have one foot divided into tentacles
Food Snails are scavengers ▫ Scrape food off ground Bivalves are herbivores ▫ filter feeders Octopi and squid are carnivores ▫ shell fish and small fish
Food Octopi are eaten by sharks ▫ Can eject a dark ink which confuses a predator and allows the octopus to get away
Importance For the Biome: ▫ Some clean the ocean floor For Humans: ▫ Food ▫ Medicines ▫ Jewellery
Examples Giant Clam
Examples Flame Scallop
Examples Cone Snail
Examples Sea Slug
Examples Squid
Examples Blue Ringed Octopus
Examples Pacific Octopus
Videos Giant Pacific Octopus Mimic Octopus
Interesting Fact Cone shells are marine snails. They prey upon other marine organisms, immobilizing them with unique venoms. There have been 30 recorded cases of human envenomation by fish-eating cone shells, in some cases fatal. Upon investigation it was found that the toxins in cone shell venoms possess pharmacological qualities that make them valuable tools in medical research.