SILS Complications Dan Geisler, MD, FACS, FASCRS
2 Disclosures CovidienConsultant
7 V A R I A B L E S
9 Challenges of Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Multiple Quadrants Multiple Vessels Small Bowel Positioning Bowel Transection Bowel Anastomosis
10 Challenges of Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Time Consuming Technically Challenging Technical Ability Advanced Technology Capable Assistants
11 Strategy to Combat Time Constraints of Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery break operation into directly productive vs. nonproductive actions standardize standardize approach to improve efficiency gravity retraction performed by gravity keep repositioning to a minimum 3 Trocar Technique
12 SILS Colectomy Advantages simplified method need only a camera operator safe and efficient reproducible
13 “Problems” with M.I.S.
14 “Problems” with M.I.S. Problems with SILS
15 Laparoscopic CRS Improved cosmesis Decreased pain Decreased recovery
16 “Problems” with M.I.S. Decreased ability to complain of pain Improvement in maximum pain score on POD1 & POD2 (p<0.05) Shorter LOS Papaconstantinou & Thomas SILS
17 “Problems” with M.I.S. Decreased ability to complain of pain Inability to “show off” a big scar SILSSILS
18 “Problems” with M.I.S. Decreased ability to complain of pain Inability to “show off” a big scar SILSSILS
19 “Problems” with M.I.S. Decreased ability to complain of pain Inability to “show off” a big scar Having to return to work earlier
21 Laparoscopic Colectomy Less blood loss Quicker recovery to normal function Better margins of resection Better visualization Mesorectal excision Decrease incidence of autonomic nerve injury More precise surgical procedure Less wound related problems Infection Dehiscence Incisional hernia Minimally invasive procedure Advantages
22 SILS Colorectal Surgery
23 SILS Colectomy N = 99 Age = 9 – 93 30 with previous abdominal operations BMI = 26 (15 – 39)
24 SILS Colectomy N = 99 Diagnosis UC: 46Neoplasia: 17 Crohn’s: 10Diverticulitis: 10 FAP: 2Other: 14
25 SILS Colectomy N = 99 OR Time:105 minutes (13 – 245) Incision Length:3.7 cm (1.2 – 7.8) LN Harvest*:44
26 SILS Colectomy N = 99 Ports 87SILS 12Additional Ports 1:9 2:1 3:2
27 Complications? Wound Complications Infections Similar Easy to deal with Hernias? Too early to tell Access technique?
28 Hernia Variable rates of occurrence Dependent on location Avoidable? Tissue necrosis?
29 Hernia Variable rates of occurrence Dependent on location Avoidable? Tissue necrosis? WE DON’T KNOW!!!!!
30 Difficulties? 5 mm endoeye SKILLED camera operator Camera, then instruments Not both at the same time Splenic flexure
31 Difficulties? Port SILS (Covidien) Atraumatic Simplistic Easy to use Triport, Ethicon, Gelpoint
32 SILS Colorectal Benefits over conventional laparoscopy Drawbacks over conventional laparoscopy Incidence of hernia formation?
33 Summary Single port laparoscopy in colorectal surgery Minimize abdominal trauma May utilize a natural body orifice or scar such as the Umbilicus Potential decrease in morbidity Certainly superior cosmesis “NOTES” Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery”……..experimental SPL seems to be a practical clinical step towards NOTES
34 Summary Single port laparoscopy in colorectal surgery Minimize abdominal trauma May utilize a natural orifice or scar such as the Umbilicus Potential decrease in morbidity Certainly superior cosmesis “NOTES” Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery”……..experimental SPL seems to be a practical clinical step towards NOTES A BRIDGE TO THE FUTURE!!!