Monica Marra, LISA VII, 20.6.14 The recent Italian regulations about Open Access availability of publicly-funded research publications, and the documentation.


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Presentation transcript:

Monica Marra, LISA VII, The recent Italian regulations about Open Access availability of publicly-funded research publications, and the documentation landscape in astrophysics Monica Marra INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) ‏

Monica Marra, LISA VII, The first Italian law about Open Access October 7 th, 2013: Law n. 112 October 7 th, 2013: Law n. 112 previous different formulation (August)‏ previous different formulation (August)‏ closer to the European Union Recommendation (2012)‏closer to the European Union Recommendation (2012)‏

Monica Marra, LISA VII, Italian Law main requirements for OA publishing OA is mandatory for scientific articles derived from researches which have been financed for = > 50% with public funds OA is mandatory for scientific articles derived from researches which have been financed for = > 50% with public funds if the scientific journal publishes at least 2 issues/year if the scientific journal publishes at least 2 issues/year OA may be provided: OA may be provided: EITHER on the publisher’s siteEITHER on the publisher’s site OR on an institutional repository, with a maximum embargo periodOR on an institutional repository, with a maximum embargo period 18 months for STM area (6)‏ 18 months for STM area (6)‏ 24 months for SSH area (12)‏ 24 months for SSH area (12)‏ at no additional cost. at no additional cost.

Monica Marra, LISA VII, A rough debut? Early commitment (October 3 rd, 2013) signed by the then-Minister Bray, aimed at harmonizing the Italian law with the European Recommendation Early commitment (October 3 rd, 2013) signed by the then-Minister Bray, aimed at harmonizing the Italian law with the European Recommendation Consequent actions: national programme SIR 2014 (Jan. 2014) with H2020 OA clauseConsequent actions: national programme SIR 2014 (Jan. 2014) with H2020 OA clause Autumn-Winter 2013: approval of EU programme Horizon 2020 (70 billion euros )‏ Autumn-Winter 2013: approval of EU programme Horizon 2020 (70 billion euros )‏ Relevant Italian statements and recommendations from academic and research bodies: Relevant Italian statements and recommendations from academic and research bodies: “Position statement on OA to the results of scientific research in Italy” (CRUI+others, ) (12);“Position statement on OA to the results of scientific research in Italy” (CRUI+others, ) (12); Declaration “The OA to scientific publications” (CRUI+CUN, January 2014)‏Declaration “The OA to scientific publications” (CRUI+CUN, January 2014)‏

Monica Marra, LISA VII, Established journals’ role in astrophysics Large predominance of few titles in the 1 st quartile of IF range (“more than 90% of the original research” in astrophysics) Large predominance of few titles in the 1 st quartile of IF range (“more than 90% of the original research” in astrophysics) Both commercial publishers and scientific societies Both commercial publishers and scientific societies ApJ, ApJL, ApJSS, AJ; MNRAS; A&A; PASP ApJ, ApJL, ApJSS, AJ; MNRAS; A&A; PASP IoP Science / c) AAS Oxford UP / c) RAS EDP Sciences / c) ESO UCP / c) ASP

Monica Marra, LISA VII, : Publisher’s site OA options Immediate OA (complete) with APC Immediate OA, free: selected sections/papers 12-months delayed OA, free, complete Time issue Copyright issue? Expenditure issue ApJ, ApJL, ApJSS, AJ, PASP A&A (Letters; instrumentation etc.; “Latest articles”, for individuals) (12); MNRAS (selected papers) (36) ‏ A&A (400); MNRAS (2175); “discussions welcomed” for AAS jrnls

Monica Marra, LISA VII, Viability of the Green OA option for the main journals (1) PASP (ASP) ‏ AJ ApJSS ApJL ApJ (AAS)‏ Accepted v. encouraged; immediate (“whenever they like”) ‏ Accepted v.; immediate if mandated (12) ‏

Monica Marra, LISA VII, Viability of the Green OA option for the main journals (2)‏ MNRAS (RAS) ‏ A&A (ESO)‏ Immediate; accepted -> published Immediate, only published v. ‏

Monica Marra, LISA VII, “The [Italian] Conference of Rectors and the Italian Public Research Institutions are committed to coordinating activities aimed at achieving the success of Open Access by […] “The [Italian] Conference of Rectors and the Italian Public Research Institutions are committed to coordinating activities aimed at achieving the success of Open Access by […] encouraging their researchers to make their publications and data available through open access publishing venues and by deposit in institutional and disciplinary repositories […] as soon as possible, anyway with a delay of no more than 12 months;encouraging their researchers to make their publications and data available through open access publishing venues and by deposit in institutional and disciplinary repositories […] as soon as possible, anyway with a delay of no more than 12 months; […] the adoption of policies and institutional regulations which make deposit in their institutional repositories mandatory; in case the latter don’t exist, publications and data should be deposited in other institutions’ repositories or in disciplinary OA repositories.”[…] the adoption of policies and institutional regulations which make deposit in their institutional repositories mandatory; in case the latter don’t exist, publications and data should be deposited in other institutions’ repositories or in disciplinary OA repositories.” (signed by INAF October 4 th, 2013)‏ “Preprint culture” should make this practice rather easy; “Productive coexistence” (Henneken et al., 2007)