Characterizing Open Access Your Institution Lilly Li, Digital Repository Librarian David E. Hubbard, Science & Engineering Librarian
Outline Definitions and Background Open Access Publishing Studies Open Access TAMU Open Access Your Institution Hands-on Exercises
Scholarly Communications “…the creation, transformation, dissemination and preservation of knowledge related to teaching, research and scholarly endeavors….Among the many scholarly communications issues include author rights, the economics of scholarly resources, new models of publishing including open access, institutional repositories, rights and access to federally funded research, and preservation of intellectual assets.” (Bernard Becker Medical Library, 2008)open access
Open Access (OA) “… digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions.” (Suber, 2012, p. 4)
“Flavors” of Open Access Gold: provide immediate open access, peer reviewed; authors retain copyright Green: self-archiving; not necessarily peer reviewed Hybrid: some open access Delayed: embargo period
Some Questions about OA Publishing? How much OA publishing is there at my institution? In what OA journals are my faculty publishing? In what disciplines is the OA publishing occurring?
Literature Review Summary of Previous OA Survey and Bibliometric Studies Percent OA DescriptionStudy Survey clinical/academic researchers in Iran (2009)Khalili (2011) science/social science faculty at the University of Kashmir (2008)Gul et al. (2009) researchers at six public universities in Tanzania ( )Dulle et al. (2010) Bibliometric publications from the University of Kashmir ( )Ali et al. (2011) publications from nine Indian universities ( )Bhat (2008) 7.817,516 publications from five Indian universities ( )Bhat (2009) 109,000 publications of 80 institutes of the Max Planck Society (2009) Dallmeir-Tiessen et al. (2010) 1275 publications of prolific authors at the University of Utah (2009)Amos et al. (2012)
Web of Science and OA Web of Science Introduced an Open Access facet in 2014 Indexes approximately 1,200 “gold” OA journals Caveats Only covers 1,200 of the 9,500 OA journals in the DOAJ Excludes delayed, green, and articles from hybrid journals Its not perfect.
Open Access TAMU Data: Web of Science
Hands-On Exercises How many OA articles did your institution publish in 2013 (absolute and percentage)? What are your top OA journals? Who are your top OA authors? What are your top OA disciplines? How has your OA publishing changed over time?
References Bernard Becker Medical Library. (2008). What is Scholarly Communications? Retrieved February , from Ali, A., Shah, T. A., & Mirza, I. Z. (2011). Open Access Research Output of the University of Kashmir. Trends in Information Management, 7(2), Amos, K., Mower, A., James, M. A., Weber, A., Yaffe, J., & Youngkin, M. (2012). Exploring publishing patterns at a large research university: Implications for library practice. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 7(3), Bhat, M. H. (2008). Open access publishing in Jammu and Kashmir State: An assessment. Trends in Information Management, 4(1), Bhat, M. H. (2009). Open access publishing in Indian premier research institutions. Information Research, 14(3). Retrieved March 12, 2014, from Dallmeier-Tiessen, S., et al. (2010). Open Access Publishing - Models and Attributes. Geneva, Switzerland. Study of Open Access Publishing (SOAP). Retrieved March 8, 2014, from Dulle, F. W., Minishi-Majanja, M. K., & Cloete, L. M. (2010). The adoption of open access scholarly communication in Tanzanian public universities. 76th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, Gothenburg, Sweden. Retrieved March 3, 2014, from Gul, S., Shah, T. A., & Bhagwan, T. A. (2010). Culture of open access in the University of Kashmir: A researcher's viewpoint. Aslib Proceedings, 62(2), Khalili, L. (2011). Familiarity and experience with open access among Iranian medical researchers. Libri, 61(4), Suber, P. (2012). Open access. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press.