Alaska Native Tumor Registry Alaska Native Epidemiology Center 40-Year Trends in Cancer Incidence among Alaska Native People
SEER Alaska Native Tumor Registry is funded by the National Cancer Institute Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program (RFP NO-1-PC )
Source: Fast Stats., accessed 1 August, Rates for American Indian/Alaska Native are based on the Contract Health Service Delivery Area counties. Rates are adjusted to the US 2000 standard population. Cancer Incidence: US Race/Ethnic Groups, Alaska Native Tumor Registry
Cancer Incidence: Alaska Native and American Indian People, CHSDA: Indian Health Service Contract Health Service Delivery Area Counties (federally recognized tribal lands or adjacent to tribal lands). Source: Wiggins et al., Rates are adjusted to the US 2000 standard population. Alaska Native Tumor Registry
Alaska Native People 1. Colorectal* 2. Lung* 3. Breast 4. Prostate 5. Stomach* U.S. Whites 1. Prostate* 2. Breast 3. Lung 4.Colon/Rectum 5. Melanoma* Leading Cancers Alaska Native Tumor Registry * 95% Confidence interval indicates a statistically significant difference between AN and US rates.
Cancer Incidence Trends
Cancer Incidence: Alaska Native, US White Men Alaska Native Tumor Registry Rates are age-adjusted to the US 2000 standard population.
Alaska Native Tumor Registry Cancer Incidence: Alaska Native, US White Women
Cancer Incidence Alaska Native Tumor Registry
Cancer Incidence Alaska Native Tumor Registry
Cancer Incidence Alaska Native Tumor Registry
Cancer Incidence Alaska Native Tumor Registry
Cancer Incidence Alaska Native Tumor Registry
Cancer incidence is decreasing among Alaska Native men but not among women
Alaska Native Tumor Registry Lung cancer is not decreasing
Alaska Native Tumor Registry Colorectal cancer is decreasing
All Cancer Mortality: Alaska Native and US White Populations, Alaska Native Tumor Registry
Lung Cancer Mortality: Alaska Native and US White Populations, Alaska Native Tumor Registry
Breast Cancer Mortality: Alaska Native and US White Women, Alaska Native Tumor Registry
Alaska Native Epidemiology Center Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
Stomach Cancer Mortality: Alaska Native and US White Populations, Alaska Native Tumor Registry
Prostate Cancer Mortality: Alaska Native and US White Men, Alaska Native Tumor Registry