Animal Adaptations Staying Alive
The name of this fish is…?
Porcupine fish Porcupine Fish
It’s a jungle out there!!! Wild animals face one challenge after another! The Three Challenges 1. Find food! 2. Don’t be food! 3. Fit in! (to a habitat) Habitat: a place where you live
Adaptations An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps a living thing survive. ▫Inherited trait: something you received from your parents when you were born ▫Survive: to go on living (to not die)
Examples of Adaptations Webbed feet Webbed feet help ducks paddle quickly through water better chance of survival
Examples of Adaptations Flashy tail feathers These help peacocks catch the attention of peahens better chance of having offspring
Examples of Adaptations Moving s---l---o---w---l---y This keeps sloths from being noticed by jaguars and other predators better chance of survival
2 Types of Adaptations 1. Structural Adaptations ▫Body parts that help an animal ▫Example: hollow bones make birds light they can fly 2. Behavioral Adaptations ▫Helpful instincts, or actions an animal does automatically ▫Example: birds migrate south, bears hibernate
Structural and Behavioral Sometimes both kinds of adaptations work together. Think of the porcupine fish. What is the structural adaptation? ▫It has stretchy skin and spikes. What is the behavioral adaptation? ▫It gulps water when in danger.
Aardvarks in Action (how to FIND food!) Read pages 8 and 9. Answer these questions about aardvarks. ▫1. What do they eat? ▫2. List 4 adaptations which help them get their food. Strong legs and sharp claws Stiff hairs in the nose Tough skin Long and sticky tongue
Diverse Defenses (how to not BE food!) How do you not get eaten by bigger animals? More than just running away is needed. Australian frilled lizard ▫Use both structural and behavioral adaptations ▫Behavioral: opens its mouth wide ▫Structural: flap of loose skin spreads out, making the lizard look much bigger
Australian frilled lizards
Three-banded armadillo
Very tough skin which even puma, cougar, or mountain lions cannot bite though it
Another strategy: Avoid fighting! Camouflage: blending in Example: a leaf butterfly
Mimicry: looking like another animal
Other Cool Traits Some animals go dormant. ▫dormant: ▫Going inactive
How about YOU? If you could, what adaptations would you like to have??? ▫Night vision? Run faster? ▫Photographic memory? ▫