Lancashire Global Education Centre Development Education Centre South Yorkshire Cumbria Development Education Centre
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What is Global Learning/Citizenship? Participants viewed two short videos presenting contrasting perspectives on the need for global learning. They then shared their feelings, thoughts and ideas about implications for learners.
Three out of four business chiefs fear that the UK will be left behind by emerging countries, such as China, India and Brazil, unless young people learn to think more globally. (ICM Research on behalf of Think Global and The British Council)
I think I can state with confidence that the following are essential elements of global citizenship: The wisdom to perceive the interconnectedness of all life and living. The courage not to fear or deny difference; but to respect and strive to understand people of different cultures, and to grow from encounters with them. The compassion to maintain an imaginative empathy that reaches beyond ones immediate surroundings and extends to those suffering in distant places. Thoughts on Education for Global Citizenship, a presentation by Daisaku Ikeda (1996) (Buddhist philosopher and educator)
The globalisation of trade [and our impact on climate change] converts us [unavoidably] into participating in the lives of people we have never met and are never likely to meet. We are as complicit in their lives as if they sold us their produce over the garden fence. The ties that bind are […] chains of cause and effect that prompt obligations of justice rather than sympathy, pity, or beneficence. Andrew Dobson (2006) Thick Cosmopolitanism, Political Studies, Vol 54, pp. 165–184
Source: Decsy
How does this relate to Geography?
Source: Clive Belgeonne /
World OtherSelf
19 Source: Blyth & Krause
Geography Global Dimension Place & Scale: the issues we are dealing with through the Global Dimension take place somewhere and affect people at personal, local/ regional/national/ global scales Human Rights, Social Justice, Conflict Resolution These issues affect people and happen in relation to particular places. History and geography are influential factors Global Citizenship and Values and Perceptions inform our particular perspective on human geography (Source: Wendy North) Environmental Impact & Sustainability Interdependence & Connectedness People, Culture & Diversity
If height was proportionate to income and a person with average income in the UK/US was 6 foot tall: How tall would the poorest people be? the poorest people in the UK/US would be the size of coffee mugs, The poorest in the world would be less than an inch high The richest people in the world (e.g Bill Gates) would be 150 miles high Source:
2 kg pupil/year (0.1 of a planet by 2050) 693 kg pupil/year (20 planets by 2050)
4th Battalion, Yorkshire Regiment of the British Territorial Army, on a foot patrol in Kabul, Afghanistan © ISAF Media
Dear Teacher I am a survivor of a concentration camp. My eyes saw what no man should witness: Gas chambers built by learned engineers; children poisoned by educated physicians; infants killed by trained nurses; women and children shot by high- school and college graduates. So I am suspicious of education. My request is: Help your students to become more human. Your efforts must never produce learned monsters, skilled psychopaths, educated Eichmanns. Reading, writing and arithmetic are important only if they serve to make our children more human. Chaim Ginott
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