REVIEWING THE PILOT GCSE The following main points concerning the Pilot GCSE are the result of a number of surveys and reviews carried out by interested stakeholders over the past 3 years (full details can be found in the written report). COURSE CONTENT The content of the course is seen as one of the most positive elements of the specification. 100% of teachers and 91.7% of students were positive or very positive about the overall nature of the course content. Teachers saw the established GCSE specifications as content heavy. Leading to broad but shallow learning – the Pilot was less broad but allows for deep learning by the students. Extreme environments
People as Consumers The course is seen as far more relevant, conveying better what geography is and also allowing for more, varied and genuine links beyond the classroom. Students felt that the course content allows for much greater variety in learning. There is evidence of a greater link between HE and schools being forged as some academics have started to take an interest.
My Place Learning & Teaching There is clear evidence for a more varied pedagogy, with greater use of ICT in an integrated as opposed to a bolt- on fashion. Textbooks are used far less than in established GCSEs, students relying more heavily on research etc. There is a clear use of the organising principles to knit the learning in the various units together. As a consequence, students see the course as a whole rather than a series of random snap-shots. Links between the GCSE and KS3 have been seen as more problematic as the skills development is not always there at the start of Year 10. However, with the new KS3 coming on line in Sept 2008, with its concept led approach, the Pilot would fit in well as the next step.
Assessment The Pilot GCSE has a unique assessment framework. There is a widely perceived synergy between the course and its assessment. Leads to a greater involvement of students in their learning throughout the course as they see the work they do as being part of the course, rather than a bolt-on. The variety of formats in the assessment are seen as a real strength of the course, as it allows students to demonstrate a range of skills and approaches, leading to a clearer impression of their overall understanding
Teacher views Teachers on the whole chose to join the Pilot due to its innovative nature. There was also a lack of regard for content laden specifications which led to two dimensional learning and teaching and cramming for examinations. There is also considerable evidence that teachers wanted to take control of curriculum development, and wanted to get away from a narrow set of well worn resources. From anecdotal evidence from several of those involved in the development and support of the Pilot, the spaces taken could have been filled many times over by other schools wanting to try something new. Coastal Management
Sustainable Urban transport Student views Students highlighted greater fieldwork opportunities, more interactive learning, and the opportunity for their own personal views to be used as very positive elements of the course. Students felt the coursework was exciting, challenging, stimulating and satisfying, as well as relevant and interesting. 75% of students in one survey felt the course was more relevant than the other GCSEs they were taking. If you have any queries or further questions. You can contact me at