1 Electronic Medical Record for Child Life Samantha K. Garrett, MS, CCLS Senior Child Life Specialist Patient and Family Centered Care Department It’s EPIC!
2 Nemours Children’s Hospital Nemours Children’s Clinic of Orlando (NCCO) was established in Nemours Children’s Hospital was granted Certificate of Need for 97 beds in 2007 by Florida legislature. Key leaders for NCH were hired in 2011 including a Senior Child Life Specialist, who joined the team November 14, October 22, 2012: NCH opened it’s doors for our first ED and inpatient patient.
Patient and Family Centered Care Department The Patient and Family Centered Care Department is lead by our Director, who has a Social Work background. The department houses Child Life, Spiritual Care, Social Work, KidsTRACK, Service Excellence and the Advisory Councils. –This innovative departmental structure provides an umbrella and one budget for the psychosocial care team. Our department consists of 21 associates. 3 Child Life lives here.
Nemours commitment to the EMR Transforming Children’s Health Care Through Electronic Medical Records D7A2E93F D7A2E93F The Nemours enterprise— –the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Davies Organizational Award of Excellence recipient for 2010 –HIMSS Stage 7 (Paperless for Improved Patient Quality) Nemours Children’s Hospital –HIMSS Stage 6 4
5 Research and Information Gathering Child Life Council (2010). The Child Life Profession. Retrieved from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. (2010) Emergency Department Acuity Index Hollen, E., & Skinner, L. (2009). Chapter 7: Assessment and Documentation in Child Life. In R. Thompson (Ed.), The Handbook of Child Life: Guide for Pediatric Care ( ). Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, Publisher LTD. Koller, D. (2008). Child Life Assessment: Variables Associated with a Child’s Ability to Cope with Hospitalization. Child Life Council Evidence-Based Practice Statement. Palm, S., Skinner, L., & Wilson, J. (Eds.). (2006). Chapter Three: The Child Life Process (11- 12). Guidelines for the Development of Child Life Programs in Health Care Settings. Rockville, MD: Child Life Council. Rollins, J., Bolig, R., & Mahan, C. (2005). Meeting Children’s Psychosocial Needs Across the Health- Care Continuum. Austin, Texas: PRO-ED Thompson, R. (2009). Chapter 7: Assessment and Documentation in Child Life. In R. Thompson (Ed.), The Handbook of Child Life: Guide for Pediatric Care ( ). Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, Publisher LTD.
Bio-Psychosocial Assessment –Devised a Bio-psychosocial Assessment to decrease redundancy in establishing a baseline for care. –Introduced to PFCC members during EPIC instructor led classes. –Implemented upon opening of the facility. –Decreased incidents of repetitive questioning by staff regarding family dynamics, school status, medical stressors, coping and support systems for the family. 6
7 Bio-Psychosocial Assessment –Incorporated Child Life Needs Assessment Tool concepts for Family/Community Support and Medical Stressors. –Secondary assessments were completed to facilitate specific discipline based information gathering. –Document was utilized also in KidsTRACK for outpatient visits. Is color coded for priority based on length of stay
Report View 8 Green – documentation completed White – newly admitted patient, no documentation has been done. Yellow – documentation not done = have 24 – 48 hours to complete documentation Red - > 48 hours with no documentation done Green – documentation completed White – newly admitted patient, no documentation has been done. Yellow – documentation not done = have 24 – 48 hours to complete documentation Red - > 48 hours with no documentation done
Family Centered Care Tab Bio psychosocial Support –Assessment School History History –Contract/ Introduction –Living Situation –Family Support System –Family Strengths Support –Medical Stressors –Family/ Community/ Spiritual Support System 9
View in EPIC Bio psychosocial 10
Family Centered Care Tab Child Life –Contract/ Introduction –Assessment –Prep/ Distract –Education –Assessment/ Plan –Assessment Score (Provides numerical representation to the information in the Needs Assessment) 11
View in EPIC Child Life Screens 12
Family Centered Care Tab Pastoral Care Progress Notes –Quick Note –Needs Assessment –Progress Note End of Life –Legacy Materials –Support Social Work –C.A.R.E Assessment –Psychiatric Crisis 13
Case Study 4 yr old male Possible laceration Transported by Reedy Creek EMS from Blizzard Beach Mother present; sister and father on their way. EMS report: Pt was exiting the wave pool when he slipped and landed face first. With bandage over right eye. Upon exam 2 cm lac in eyebrow. Family on vacation staying at Wilderness Lodge Resort. 14
Questions? Samantha K. Garrett, MS, CCLS