Supporting schools to better understand and support children who need palliative care
Policy and Service Developments DFE & DH guidelines – Managing medicines in schools - Schools must develop policies on managing medicine - Put in place effective management systems to help support individual children with medical needs - Ensure all staff are clear what to do in a medical emergency - Develop individual health care plans - Make reasonable adjustments to enable access to school, curriculum, activities and arrangements to deliver education outside of school. New model of school nursing
SEND project activity Regional workshops for key SEND agencies to strengthen understanding of children’s palliative care Publish and promote support resources for professionals within schools on supporting children with palliative care needs – what should they contain?
Group discussions What has gone well in your work with schools in managing children’s palliative care needs? What has not gone so well in your work with schools in managing children’s palliative care needs? What from your experience would be helpful to include in resources to support schools in managing children’s palliative care needs?