the Power $aving Network Community Renewable Energy Waterloo - CREW An overview
Our Goals assist a hydro customer in measuring their electricity usage patterns help identify areas of improvement specific to that household's actual situation facilitate behavioural changes in residents to help maintain energy savings
Our Goals present a basic introduction to electricity consumption and billing give practical conservation tips dispel common myths provide background information on various topics make the ratepayer excited about spreading their experiences to others
Step 1: Foundation A trained volunteer--a Power Messenger-- will visit your residence to: show you how to measure your electrical consumption install a PowerCost monitor demonstrate use of a plug-in watt meter explain the step-by-step toolkit
Step 1: Foundation Physical Toolkit the powercost monitor the plug in watt-meter CD printed instructions
Step 1: Foundation Virtual Toolkit instructions for the Watt-meter and PowerCost monitor suggested techniques for the monitoring process tracking sheets spreadsheet calculations
Step 1: Foundation Virtual Toolkit reading hydro bills backgrounders top ten myths tips for reduction invitations to the Energy-Aware presentation
– KW Hydro Note- there are 2 different rates for the electricity used. These are based on time of year and amount used. Electricity is sold in units of kilowatt hours1 kWh = 1000 Watts for an hour Ex. 1kWh = 10 lights with 100 watt bulbs (this is a 1 kW load) turned on for I hour In winter, the first 1000 kWh are charged at the lower rate. This threshold decreases to 600 kWh in the summer. Although, the cost of electricity would appear to be 5.5 cents here, do not forget the cost of transmission & maintenance provincially & locally, plus paying down Hydro One’s debt. As of June 2007, actual costs 12 cents per kWh. Billing example:
Billing : example This household used 5,436,000 Watt hours over the course of 2 months or 5436 kWh Backgrounder: Understand Your Hydro Bill Note: You may not be able to account for all of your electrical usage.
Backgrounder: example
Step 2: Investigation Use the toolkit resources and instructions to: measure the electricity consumption of a variety of sources in your house record and calculate usage via simple tracking sheet or spreadsheet
Step 2: Investigation Use the toolkit resources and instructions to: determine how your energy is being used compare it to your hydro bill identify potential conservation opportunities
Step 3: Presentation You will have invited neighbours and friends to your home where: the Power Messenger will introduce the Power $aving Network concept you can showcase your household electricity usage discoveries and plans for reducing consumption guests are encouraged to volunteer to go through the same process
Step 4: Conservation The host will: continue to track and implement reduction techniques discovered through investigation discover ways to reduce energy in other seasons
Step 4: Conservation The Power Messenger will return to: remove the PowerCost monitor (if kept for further investigation) document any changes in behaviour and usage with you