Clinical Research Networks Notifications Practice Policy Stewardship Lives Saved Diagnostics Pathogenesis Incidence Outcome Risk Factors Treatment Public Health Response Laboratory Networks
What clinicians need Clinical features- assist with diagnosis & planning of response Complications- anticipate and deal with Performance of diagnostic tests Risk factors – Severity and susceptibility Infection control (for staff and other patients) Any information about treatment response Dialogue with public health authorities, which allows feedback of data collected and analysed Data collection tool which can serve case management and public health needs Access to modelling about ongoing impact Opportunity to carry out clinical research e.g. pre – approvals
What public health authorities want Incidence – Community, hospital, ICU Severity & Mortality data Case-fatality rate Impact on critical infrastructure Data collection tool/s with capacity to rapidly analyse and act upon Strong links with key groups e.g. ICU networks Capability to communicate widely and coordinate a rapid & effective response To carry out public health investigations & relevant R&D, which will overlap with clinical research; address common challenges together