International Workshop on Industrial Statistics Beijing, China 8-10 July 2013 Data items for Industrial Statistics (Part 1)
Data items in IRIS (2008) IRIS provides list of data items with definitions recommended for collection and publication They provide a tool for countries to strengthen their economic statistics programmes, develop questionnaires and other data collection instruments Compilers are encouraged to use it as reference to develop their own list based on: Their own statistical circumstances Respondent load Available resources
Business accounting vs. statistics Sometimes - Different terminology - Different accounting rules Important to understand the links to better design the questionnaires and compile the data Business accounting Business statistics
Differences in business terminology Terminology in business accounting may vary a lot across countries (different practices, traditions, etc.) Turnover Total sales (northern Europe) Gross sales + other income (OECD) Number of times an asset is replaced (GAAP, USA) ……..
Differences in business accounting rules While the accounting principles may remain the same in many countries, accounting rules may vary Impact on the adjustments to be done on the collected data to compile economic statistics Examples: valuation of net assets, expenditures on software etc.
Data items 1. Demography2. Employment3. Compensation of employees4. Other expenditures5. Value of shipment, receipts…6. Inventories7. Taxes and subsidies8. Output9. Intermediate consumption…10. Value added11. Gross fixed capital form.12. Orders13. Environmental protection exp.
1. Demography Important data items to describe the type and characteristics of the statistical unit and to cross tabulate the data 1(a) Characteristics of statistical units 1(b) Number of statistical units
1(a) Characteristic of statistical units 1.1 Identification code1.2 Location1.3 Period of operation1.4 Type of economic organization 1.5 Type of legal organization and ownership 1.6 Size1.7 Kind of activity1.8 Type of unit Unique code associated with the Statistical unit Necessary to: (a)Allow their inclusion in a business register and sampling Frame (b) Allow use of administrative Source (c) Provide sampling base for Surveys It must remain the same for the lifetime of the unit When common codes are in place, it facilitate data sharing (link with business registers, other registers etc.)
1(a) Characteristic of statistical units 1.1 Identification code1.2 Location1.3 Period of operation1.4 Type of economic organization 1.5 Type of legal organization and ownership 1.6 Size1.7 Kind of activity1.8 Type of unit Place at which the unit is physically performing its activities (not mailing address) Important for regional analyses Important to remember: (a)Enterprise with 1 establishment Their location may differ. Establishment for statistical purposes; enterprise for administrative purposes (b) Complex enterprises Enterprise to provide location of each establishment or Establishments to provide location of its enterprise
1(a) Characteristic of statistical units 1.1 Identification code1.2 Location1.3 Period of operation1.4 Type of economic organization 1.5 Type of legal organization and ownership 1.6 Size1.7 Kind of activity1.8 Type of unit Period un which the unit has been in operation during the reference period It helps understanding/interpreting the data
1(a) Characteristic of statistical units 1.1 Identification code1.2 Location1.3 Period of operation1.4 Type of economic organization 1.5 Type of legal organization and ownership 1.6 Size1.7 Kind of activity1.8 Type of unit - Single-establishment enterprise - Multi-establishment enterprise - Number of establishments The legal form of the economic entity that owns the unit -Incorporated enterprises -Cooperative -Non-profit institutions -Unincorporated enterprises Each may be further distinguished: -Public ownership -National private -Foreign controlled
1(a) Characteristic of statistical units 1.1 Identification code1.2 Location1.3 Period of operation1.4 Type of economic organization 1.5 Type of legal organization and ownership 1.6 Size1.7 Kind of activity1.8 Type of unit Important item for stratification, sample design and grossing-up procedures Size based on employment ‘average number of persons employed in that unit during the reference period’ Countries are encouraged to follow the following breakdown: 1-9, 10-19, 20-49, , 250 < Other possible measures: Value added, turnover, employment in full time equivalent, etc. Type of production in which the unit is engaged - Kind of activity should be determined according to ISIC Rev. 4 - Each establishment should be classified to one kind-of-activity class (at least ISIC 2-digit level). - Only principal activity to be considered (secondary activity are to be disregarded when classifying a unit)
1(a) Characteristic of statistical units 1.1 Identification code1.2 Location1.3 Period of operation1.4 Type of economic organization 1.5 Type of legal organization and ownership 1.6 Size1.7 Kind of activity1.8 Type of unit Principal producing unit Ancillary unit
1(b) Number of the statistical units 1.10 Number of enterprises Multi-establishment enterprises Number of establishments Single-establishment enterprise Number of active units, even if they may have no paid employees units non-active for the entire reference period are excluded
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