facebook Journey- Getting ready for our tour at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas on Feb. 23, 2011!! WallInfoPhotosSongs/VideosArtist/Band NameLogout View photos of Artist/Band Send Artist/Bank a message Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Videos Write something… Share Information Friends Genre(s): Rock Members: Gregg Rolie, Neal Schon, George Tickner, Ross Valory, Praire Prince, Steve Perry Record Label: Columbia records Hometown:Gregg Rolie- Seattle WA, Neal Schon- Mildwest City, OK, George Tickner- Syracuse, New York Ross Valory- san Francisco CA Prairie Prince- Charles Lempriere Prince Current Location: On tour Dasha Kostyuchek- Hey! What is your most famous song? Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Videos Ross Valory- Hi. Don’t Stop Believing is one of our most famous songs it was released on October 1981 in the album Escape. Dasha Kostyuchek- Oh that’s cool I can tell that the mood is very upbeat! I can hear different instruments to like the keyboard and guitar and vocals. George Tickner- yeah that’s right but it also had some drums and bass in it. Dasha Kostyuchek- I love the dynamics too the song starts out soft and then slightly gets louder. I also love howi it gets fatser! Neal Schon-Yep. Dasha Kostyuchek- Well I was wondering what the lyrics mean. Gregg Rolie- The lyrics talk about fate. The lyrics “She took the midnight train going anywhere” show how she is taking a risk. Dasha Kostyuchek- Ohhh I get it now I get the lyrics “Some will win, some will lose” it means fate. I also just noticed how cool the tempo it is, I love how its medium speed then gets faster. Thanks guys:) me Rolling Stones Santana Def Leppard Black Eyed Peas Arnel Pineda Backstreet Boys Jonathan Cain
Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Videos Detailed Information Basic Information Genre(s): Rock Members: Gregg Rolie, Neal Schon, George Tickner, Ross Valory, Praire Prince, Steve Perry Instruments Played: Gregg Rolie (vocals), Neal Schon (guitar), George Tickner (guitar), Ross Valory (bass), Praire Prince (drums), Steve Perry(lead vocalist) Hometown: Record Label: Columbia records Current Location: Formed: New years ever 1973 at San Francisco music hall Disbanded: After the Frontiers Stadium tour they decided to take some time of. Band Biography: Gregg Rolie- bor n june 17, 1947 in Seattle WA, left the band he decided he was tired of just touring, Neal Schon- born February 27, 1954 in Mildwest City, OK, child prodigy, dropped out of high school to join Santana, George Tickner- born-September 8, 1946 Syracuse, New York Ross Valory- at age 16 joined 1 established band, has 5 bothers, born February 2, 1949 in san Francisco CA Prairie Prince- born-May 7, 1950, Charles Lempriere Prince Steve Perry- born January 22, 1949, had health problems and was later unable to tour, Hit Albums/Years: Journey (1975) Look Into the Future (1976) Next( 1977) Hit Songs/Years: Don’t Stop Believing (October ) Awards/Achievements: Infinity-3x plantnium, outstanding group award Fun Facts: were in TV commercials, radio station called KSAN-FM, held a contest to name the band Contact Information- View photos of Artist/Band Send Artist/Bank a message Information Friends facebook WallInfoPhotosSongs/VideosArtist/Band NameLogout Journey- Getting ready for our tour at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas on Feb. 23, 2011!! me Black Eyed Peas Arnel Pineda Def Leppard Rolling Stones Santana Genre(s): Rock Members: Gregg Rolie, Neal Schon, George Tickner, Ross Valory, Praire Prince, Steve Perry Record Label: Columbia records Hometown:Gregg Rolie- Seattle WA, Neal Schon- Mildwest City, OK, George Tickner- Syracuse, New York Ross Valory- san Francisco CA Prairie Prince- Charles Lempriere Prince Current Location: On tour Backstreet Boys Jonathan Cain
Wall InfoSlide 2Slide 2 PhotosSongs/Videos Journey- Getting ready for our tour at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas on Feb. 23, 2011!! facebook WallInfoPhotosSongs/VideosArtist/Band NameLogout Photos of Artist/Band Artist/Band’s Albums Gregg Rolie Neal Schon Ross Valory Steve Perry Profile Pic
Featured Video facebook WallInfoPhotosSongs/VideosArtist/Band NameLogout Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Video Featured Songs Journey- Getting ready for our tour at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas on Feb. 23, 2011!! citations Don’t Stop Believing Any Way You Want It" Paraire, Philippe. "Journey." 50 years of Rock Music. Print. Journey Web. 27 Jan "Journey Members." The Journey Tribute Page. Web. 27 Jan last.fmlast.fm. CBS Interactive Music Group, Web. 27 Jan Song Meanings. ToneFuse Music, Web. 26 Jan