JAG/CCM Update COPC Spring 2006 Mr. Walter Coley JAG/CCM Chairman Distribution Authorized to U.S. Government Agencies and their Contractors only
2 Overview Action Items AFCCC Migration to NIPRNET Current Architecture Transition to Government Gateways Projection 2010+
3 Action Item Update Collaboration Efforts Still On Track Completed Communications Portion Of WJIP Bandwidth Adjustments Made To Meet Current Needs Received Data Projections From JAG/ODAA Fall Within Forecast Projections
4 Action Item Update Public Key Infrastructure/Enabling Government IPv6 Transition Is On Track DoD Ports and Protocols; FTP Port Closure Large Scale Government Gateways Delayed ~2 years
5 FNMOC/NMCI Operational Impacts NMCI is in the process of trying to rehome all NAVY NIPRNET connections to NMCI gateways. Due to the impact on FNMOC operational capabilities, a waiver is being requested to retain our direct connection into the NIPRNET. If waiver is not granted, this could affect our current connectivity to DATMS-U and DREN because all three network connections are on the same external routers. This could jeopardize our DISA Security Accreditation.
6 AFCCC Migration to NIPRNET AFCCC Originally On 4 Mbps ATM Connection to AFWA Not As Flexible As NIPRNet 6 Mbps NIPRNet Connection Installed 03 Jun 05 Required Infrastructure Changes Formal Testing Completed Feb 06 Operations Moved To NIPRNet 16 Feb 06 DATMS-U To AFCCC Will Be Discontinued 31 Sep 06 NIPRNET expandable to~44Mb/sec
7 Current ATM Architecture NWS Monterey Pass thru to NOAA NOAA/NWS Gateway 45 Mb total AFWA 44Mb total FNMOC 26 Mb total NAVO 12 Mb total NAVICE NESDIS NCEP Asheville 6 Mb 14 Mb 6 Mb 22 Mb Fast-E 6 Mb OC-3 OC-12 Legend _ _ _ Connection backside to DATMS-U ____ DATMS-U connection Mb = Mbits/sec 10/2004
8 Transition to Government Gateways Funding issues Interagency Government Network Connections Expand At Slower Rate Information Assurance and FISMA Compliance Update All Interagency Agreements To Satisfy Security Requirements Work Security Boundary Issues Now
NIPRNET/NOAANET Connectivity with DREN/Internet NWS Monterey Pass thru to NOAA NOAA/NWS Gateway 150 Mb NIPRNET (To NOAANET) AFWA 70 Mb NIPRNET (proj 150Mb) FNMOC 65 Mb NIPRNET (current 21 Mb) OC12 DREN (backup) NAVO 33 Mb NIPRNET (current 7 Mb) OC48 DREN (possible Backup) NAVICE NESDIS NCEP Asheville Mb NIPRNET Fast-E OC-3+ OC-12+ Legend NIPRNET Connection _ _ _ Connection backside to DATMS-U Mb = Mbits/sec DREN/Internet connection (could be used as a backup to NIPRNET) 4/2006 GIG 65 Mb (current 21 Mb) 100 Mb (current 54 Mb) 16 Mb 33 Mb (current 7 Mb) 36 Mb DREN/Internet 16 Mb NOAANET
10 Projected Communications Leverage All Available Network Resources AFWA Location Data Ingest Estimate 20Gb/sec by 2010 Diverse Communications Leverage NOAA/AFW Connections Enterprise Storage Solutions Used For Secure Data Transfer and Staging End to End Efficiency May Be Hampered By Enterprise Infrastructure If Not Considered Communications Engineered Throughout Production Process