Website : RMS Teacher Websites Lynette Gary Website Or Conference: 7 th Period - 3:05 -3:55 Phone: (281) Contact Info
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At the high school level, Advanced Placement (AP) courses are designed to prepare students for college level work and to allow students the opportunity to receive college credit upon successfully completing an exam. Pre-AP exists for the purpose of preparing for these courses. What is Pre-AP?
teaches and reinforces crucial academic skills and behaviors is developed locally; RMS, CMS and KMS Pre-AP teachers have met many times over the past five years to align curriculum with KHS & K-Park Pre-AP and AP teachers and continue to meet regularly aligns with standards set by The College Board teachers have completed College Board Pre-AP training requires strong administrative and parental support stresses critical thinking and literary analysis is open to any student wishing to take the course demands organization and self-discipline expects students can and will read and work independently. Students are working above grade level. Pre- AP
Tuesday AM & PM RELA 8 Tutoring
70% Summative 30% Formative (district determined) RELA 8 Grading Scale
Night by Elie WieselTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Note: Personal copies of novels are highly recommended for annotation. You can purchase novels from us tonight if you would like to. This is a fundraiser for our department. Novels
All grades will be marked in the gradebook as earned, even if below a 50. Assignments (formative or summative) must be completed and turned in on the assigned date in order to receive full credit unless the student has been absent (see makeup work for more information). In an effort for the student’s work to reflect mastery of the content presented in the assignment, no more than 20 total points per day will be deducted for late work. After 5 days, it will be a zero. Gradebook Codes: A – student absent; needs to complete for makeup work Z – assignment is missing; will receive some credit when/if teacher receives work (averages as a zero, but is not final grade) X – student exempt from assignment 0 - final grade; teacher has requested missing work and student has not complied blank space – teacher has not yet entered grade Make-up Work – district policy is 1 extra day per excused day absent (Note: make-up can be late if not completed in timely manner!) Grading Policies
Independent Reading (AR) (assessed with Renaissance Learning Accelerated Reading program) Students may have class time to read in class after completing classwork. However, most AR reading is homework. You should definitely see your child reading at home. The goal each nine weeks is 35 points (100). The AR due dates and grading scale are available on my website in the RELA 8 folder. Knowsys Vocabulary -New word list assigned each Monday -Quiz each Friday (formative grade) -TEST (summative grade) after each five groups of words -Quizzes and Tests are cumulative -Word Group Lists and Master List were given out on Monday -I also ed an alphabetical list with definitions of all the words for the year. -Pre-made cards are available at Classroom Vocabulary Builder program (card level = grade level) -Buying flashcards is NOT required. RELA 8 Ongoing Assignments
Holt McDougall Literature - Grade 8 We will use a class set. Textbooks
Literature Genres - short stories, poetry, non-fiction, drama, and novels Students are expected to evaluate, analyze, and critique these selections in writing and oral discussion with increasing depth and complexity. Writing We will focus on the following modes of writing: creative(short story), argument (persuasive), research, and literary analysis. We will introduce/reinforce blended quotations, concrete details, commentary, and MLA format. Grammar We will study Applied Grammar and Sentence Composing to improve and vary our sentence structure. Vocabulary Students will learn SAT vocabulary words through the Knowsys weekly word lists and quizzes. We will also study new words in context of reading assignments. Novel Study We will read and annotate the novel Night by Elie Wiesel. First Semester
We will continue the same objectives as the fall semester. We will introduce cause-effect writing, complete an in-depth analysis of poetry, read another novel, and work on AP strategies. Second Semester
3 Ring Binder 4 dividers Planner Pencils, Black or Blue Pens, Highlighter(daily) Wide rule notebook paper (daily) Index cards Sticky notes if using class novels Supplies
Mrs. Gary’s Expectations Read outside of class on a regular basis. Complete homework and turn it in on time. Complete assignments to the best of your ability. Actively listen and participate in class. Respect yourself, classmates, and teacher. Take care of all school equipment and supplies. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Aristotle
Conduct Enters room quietly, under control Sits down promptly On task for duration of class Very respectful of peers Responsible student Minor noise, usually controlled Usually on task Follows class rules, occasional re-direct Major difficulties entering room and starting Does not have all materials Difficulty staying on task Redirect needed often Does not always exhibit good interpersonal skills Enters and leaves room noisily No materials Disruptive behavior Does not follow class rules Rarely exhibits interpersonal skills ESNUESNU
Make sure students are reading. Make sure students are reviewing vocabulary words. Proofread essays, but don’t write or re-write. Check planners. Check grades online. Check the website when absent. Check the website to see if information is posted that will answer your question. questions. Please DON’T bring their “forgotten homework” to school. Encourage independence and self-advocacy. Things Parents Can Do to Help
Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Safe Be a Problem Solver Be Accountable for Your Decisions It’s a great day to be a Longhorn! Thanks for coming to Open House! Thank you for the opportunity to be part of your child’s life this year. It’s going to be a great year. LONGHORN PRIDE