EU Web Quest Name: Class Period:
Directions: You have been given the name of an EU member country to research. You need to design a Power Point slide. **If you need help, look at the example on the last slide of this Power Point.** 1. Go to: Click on the name of your assigned country and find the following information and include it on your Power Point slide: – Map of the country – Flag of country – Year of EU entry 2. Go to: Enter the name of your assigned country in the box that says “Select a Country or Location.” Under each tab listed, find the following information and include it on your Power Point slide: Government Tab – Government Type Economy Tab – GDP – per capita (PPP)/world ranking (average income in that country) People Tab – Infant Mortality Rate/ world ranking (how many babies die before they turn 1) – Life Expectancy/ world ranking (how long people in that country can expect to live) – Literacy Rate (how many people in that country can read/been to school) – Urbanization Rate (how many people in that country live in cities) Communication Tab – # of mobile cellular phones/world ranking 3. Go to: Look at the list and see if your assigned country is an advanced (more developed) country or a newly industrialized country. Put that information on your Power Point slide.
European Union Web Quest 1.What is the European Union? 2.What are the EU’s goals or aims? 3.What have the results of the EU been so far? n.htm 4. Which European countries are members of the EU? Use the English name of the countries. 5. Which countries are candidate countries for joining the EU? Scroll to the bottom of the left hand side and select candidate countries.
European Union Web Quest tm Read about the many projects the EU works on. 6. Of all the things the EU does which one do you think is most important? In your own words: Give 2 reasons to support your opinion: 1.Write Reason 1 here: 2.Write Reason 2 here:
Name of Country Paste Map Here: RateWorld Ranking Government Type GDP Per Capita (PPP) Infant Mortality Life Expectancy Literacy Urbanization # of Cell Phones Paste Flag Here Year of EU entry: More Developed or Newly Industrialized?
Estonia RateWorld Ranking Government Type Parliamentary Republic GDP Per Capita (PPP) $19,00063 rd Infant Mortality 7.19/ th Life Expectancy yrs118 th Literacy99.8% Urbanization69% # of Cell Phones 2.72 million117 th Year of EU entry: 2004Newly Industrialized Country
Create a chart that highlights issues the candidate country must address in its petitioning process Strengths Weaknesses Country Name
Candidate Countries Information Iceland factbook/geos/ic.html countries/iceland/index_en.htm stm Croatia factbook/geos/hr.html croatia/index_en.htm m Macedonia world-factbook/geos/mk.html ndidate_countries/fyrom/index_en.htm profiles/ stm Turkey factbook/geos/tu.html countries/turkey/index_en.htm stm Other candidates include Albania, Iceland, Montenegro, and Serbia.
When Finished: Your Power Point should have at least 7 slides 1.Title with your name and graphic 2.Political Map of Europe showing your country’s location. 3.Questions Question 6 with your two opinions. 5.Completed Member Country Slide 6.Candidate Country Pro and Cons chart. 7.Works Cited Slide!!!! -20 points if not included!!! Print or your completed power point to