Common Practices for Managing Small HPC Clusters Supercomputing 12
Small HPC Supercomputing 2012 Survey Instrument: Fourth annual BoF: Discussing 2011 and 2012 survey results…
How many GPU cores does this cluster have? Answer None61%41% %45% 1, ,9996%5% 5, ,9990% 10, ,9990%5% 25,000 or more0%5%
How many GPU cores does this cluster have? Answer None61%41% %45% 1, ,9996%5% 5, ,9990% 10, ,9990%5% 25,000 or more0%5%
Hardware Configuration
How many CPU cores are in this HPC cluster? 2011% < 20021% % % % > % 2012% < 20014% % 1,000- 4,99936% 5, ,999 23% 10, %
How many CPU cores are in this HPC cluster? 2011% < 20021% % % % > % 2012% < 20014% % 1,000- 4,99936% 5, ,999 23% 10, %
How much memory is there per physical server, i.e., per compute node? Answer% Gb16% Gb32% Gb11% Gb21% Gb58% > 64 Gb37% Unsure5% Answer% Gb9% Gb23% Gb41% Gb14% Gb32% Gb23% Gb18% > 256 Gb23% Unsure0%
How much memory is there per physical server, i.e., per compute node? Answer% Gb16% Gb32% Gb11% Gb21% Gb58% > 64 Gb37% Unsure5% Answer% Gb9% Gb23% Gb41% Gb14% Gb32% Gb23% Gb18% > 256 Gb23% Unsure0%
How much memory is there per core? Answer Gb0% Gb5% Gb32% Gb50% Gb9% Gb23% Gb23% > 16 Gb18% Unsure0%
How much memory is there per core? Answer Gb0% Gb5% Gb32% Gb50% Gb9% Gb23% Gb23% > 16 Gb18% Unsure0% Long tail toward the high side
What low latency network for MPI communication among CPU cores? Answer Infiniband 74%77% 10 Gigabit Ethernet, 10 GbE 11%14% 1 Gigabit Ethernet, 1 GbE 11%9% Unsure5%0%
What low latency network for MPI communication among CPU cores? Answer Infiniband 74%77% 10 Gigabit Ethernet, 10 GbE 11%14% 1 Gigabit Ethernet, 1 GbE 11%9% Unsure5%0% Little Change
Would you choose this form of low latency networking again? Yes94%86% No6%14%
Would you choose this form of low latency networking again? Yes94%86% No6%14% Reasons given by the 14% who said No: Infiniband next time 1 Gigabit Ethernet is actually 2gb network, and vendor no longer viable for low-latency bandwith 10 Gigabit Ethernet vendor no longer applicable in this area Will move to 10Gb in the near future
Scheduler Questions
What is the scheduler? Answer PBS6%9% TORQUE33%59% SGE (Oracle/Sun Grid Engine)28%23% LSF33%5% Lava0% Condor6%0% Maui/Moab39%55% SLURM0%9% Unsure---0% Other 0% 5%
What is the scheduler? Answer PBS6%9% TORQUE33%59% SGE (Oracle/Sun Grid Engine)28%23% LSF33%5% Lava0% Condor6%0% Maui/Moab39%55% SLURM0%9% Unsure---0% Other 0% 5%
Would you choose this scheduler again? Yes94%79% No6%21%
Would you choose this scheduler again? Yes94%79% No6%21% Those who said No, commented: Documentation has been shaky after Oracle's acquisition of SUN. The spinoff, various versions, invalid links to documentation made it quite challenging. Queue based preemption caused problems (Oracle/SGE) volume of jobs being submitted causing issues with load on open source scheduler. upgrading (Maui/Moab) SGE is no longer supported. Looking to use UGE
Do you allow serial jobs on this cluster? Yes95% No5%
Do you allow serial jobs on this cluster? Yes95% No5% No Change
What is the maximum amount of memory allowed per serial job? 2011% No maximum enforced 16% < 2 GB32% GB11% GB21% GB58% > 24 GB37% 2012% No maximum enforced 9% 2 GB or less23% GB41% GB14% GB32% More than 24 GB23%
What is the maximum amount of memory allowed per serial job? 2011% No maximum enforced 16% < 2 GB32% GB11% GB21% GB58% > 24 GB37% 2012% No maximum enforced 9% 2 GB or less23% GB41% GB14% GB32% More than 24 GB23% Decreases at the high end
What is the maximum amount of memory allowed per multi-core (mp or mpi) job? 2011% No maximum enforced 74% < 8 GB0% GB5% GB0% GB11% > 48 GB11% 2012% No maximum enforced 59% 8 GB or less0% GB0% GB9% GB0% More than 48 GB32%
What is the maximum amount of memory allowed per multi-core (mp or mpi) job? 2011% No maximum enforced 74% < 8 GB0% GB5% GB0% GB11% > 48 GB11% 2012% No maximum enforced 59% 8 GB or less0% GB0% GB9% GB0% More than 48 GB32% More maximums enforced, but maximums are high.
Where do users' home directories reside? Answer Local disk0% NFS47%55% Parallel file system (e.g., Luster or Panasas) 47%41% Unsure0% Other5%
Where do users' home directories reside? Answer Local disk0% NFS47%55% Parallel file system (e.g., Luster or Panasas) 47%41% Unsure0% Other5% Little Change
Would you configure users' home directories this way again? Yes 88%100% No 12%0%
Would you configure users' home directories this way again? Yes 88%100% No 12%0% People are satiisfed with what they are doing
What type of high performance storage/scratch space? Answer Local disk26%27% NFS16%27% Parallel file system (e.g., Luster or Panasas) 100% Unsure0% Other0%9% GPFS
What type of high performance storage/scratch space? Answer Local disk26%27% NFS16%27% Parallel file system (e.g., Luster or Panasas) 100% Unsure0% Other0%9% GPFS Little Change
Would you configure high performance/scratch space this way again? Yes 100%95% No 0%5%
Would you configure high performance/scratch space this way again? Yes 100%95% No 0%5% Essentially no change
Do you have an online, medium performance data storage service? Yes 28%55% No 72%45% Unsure 0%
Do you have an online, medium performance data storage service? Yes 28%55% No 72%45% Unsure 0%
Which of the following storage environments on this cluster do you back up? Answer Home directories53%68% High performance / scratch space 5%9% Medium performance, online storage 11%45% None47%27% Unsure0%
Which of the following storage environments on this cluster do you back up? Answer Home directories53%68% High performance / scratch space 5%9% Medium performance, online storage 11%45% None47%27% Unsure0%
Current Directions
If you were buying new compute nodes today, how many cores per node? 2011% 40% 85% 1221% 1632% > 1616% Unsure26% 2012% 40% 89% 125% 1650% 240% 3214% Unsure14% Other9%
If you were buying new compute nodes today, how many cores per node? 2011% 40% 85% 1221% 1632% > 1616% Unsure26% 2012% 40% 89% 125% 1650% 240% 3214% Unsure14% Other9%
If you were buying new compute nodes today, how much memory per node? 2011% 0-8 GB0% 9-16 GB0% GB0% GB41% >48 GB35% Unsure24% 2012% 0-8 GB9% 9-16 GB9% GB0% GB23% GB9% More than 64 GB41% Unsure9%
If you were buying new compute nodes today, how much memory per node? 2011% 0-8 GB0% 9-16 GB0% GB0% GB41% >48 GB35% Unsure24% 2012% 0-8 GB9% 9-16 GB9% GB0% GB23% GB9% More than 64 GB41% Unsure9%
How many different individuals, excl. students, involved in operation, support, development? Answer individual5% 2-3 individuals41% 4-5 individuals32% 6-8 individuals18% 9-10 individuals5% individuals0% More than 15 individuals 0%
How many different individuals, excl. students, involved in operation, support, development? Answer individual5% 2-3 individuals41% 4-5 individuals32% 6-8 individuals18% 9-10 individuals5% individuals0% More than 15 individuals 0%
Approximately how many FTE, incl. students, operate the cluster to maintain the status quo (excluding user support)? Answer 2012 < 1 FTE27% 1.1 – 2 FTE41% 2.1 – 4 FTE23% 4.1 – 6 FTE9% 6.1 – 8 FTE0% More than 8 FTE0%
Approximately how many FTE, incl. students, operate the cluster to maintain the status quo (excluding user support)? Answer 2012 < 1 FTE27% 1.1 – 2 FTE41% 2.1 – 4 FTE23% 4.1 – 6 FTE9% 6.1 – 8 FTE0% More than 8 FTE0%
Approximately how many FTE, incl. students, support users of the cluster? Answer 2012 < 1 FTE32% 1.1 – 2 FTE27% 2.1 – 4 FTE27% 4.1 – 6 FTE9% 6.1 – 8 FTE5% More than 8 FTE0%
Approximately how many FTE, incl. students, support users of the cluster? Answer 2012 < 1 FTE32% 1.1 – 2 FTE27% 2.1 – 4 FTE27% 4.1 – 6 FTE9% 6.1 – 8 FTE5% More than 8 FTE0% Generally fewer FTE than for operations support
Approximately how many FTE, incl. students, are involved in hardware/software development efforts related to the cluster? Answer 2012 < 1 FTE48% 1.1 – 2 FTE33% 2.1 – 4 FTE14% 4.1 – 6 FTE5% 6.1 – 8 FTE0% More than 8 FTE0%
Approximately how many FTE, incl. students, are involved in hardware/software development efforts related to the cluster? Answer 2012 < 1 FTE48% 1.1 – 2 FTE33% 2.1 – 4 FTE14% 4.1 – 6 FTE5% 6.1 – 8 FTE0% More than 8 FTE0% Even fewer FTE than for user support
Inward facing staff versus outward facing staff? Answer 2012 There is a clear separation. 9% There is some separation. 41% There is almost no separation. 50%
Inward facing staff versus outward facing staff? Answer 2012 There is a clear separation. 9% There is some separation. 41% There is almost no separation. 50% Most staff do both operational and end user support
Small HPC BoFs Contact Information Website ListSee link at above website Roger David