Theory in the Virtual Observatory Gerard Lemson, GAVO
Ringberg, Gerard Lemson The VO Broad goal Make results of astronomical research, data and applications, more readily available to larger community, and create value-adding services. Facilitate: communication of results checking of results use of results comparison of different results combination of different results to create new ones Through online availability of datasets and applications standardized publication and discovery mechanisms standardized description (meta-data, FITS++) standardized selection mechanisms standardized form(at)s of transmitted data value added services Why ?
Ringberg, Gerard Lemson SDSS ROSAT 2MASS FIRST GAIA
Ringberg, Gerard Lemson ROSAT FIRST GAIA SDSS2MASS
Ringberg, Gerard Lemson Registry publication discovery Data models description (UCD) Query protocols selection (cone search, ADQL) cone searchcone search combination (XMatch) Data access protocols retrieval (VOTable) Applications user interfaces (Aladin) visualisation (VOPlot) analysis (…)
Ringberg, Gerard Lemson Theory Existing protocols not applicable Position based queries Combination of different archives less obvious Data models insufficient New “observables” Different “provenance” Different characterization More complex data structures Less well developed history of archiving No FITS for simulations New use cases Theorists : data mining simulation results Observers : virtual telescope
Ringberg, Gerard Lemson Archiving of simulations Use relational database GalICS SDSS Halo merger trees from milli-Millennium data model for trees SAM galaxy catalogues links to halos add merger trees SQL query interface SQL query interface SQL query interface (Springel, Croton, Blaizot) Soon: add dynamic SAM to interface
Ringberg, Gerard Lemson Observed Simulated Thanks to Alexis Finoguenov, Ulrich Briel, Peter Schuecker, MPE) Thanks to Volker Springel Virtual Telescope
Ringberg, Gerard Lemson Virtual Telescope Use simulations for help in interpreting observations (e.g. Peter Schneider for this morning) Bring simulations into “observational plane” Create results similar to observations Can be analysed with same techniques as observations Can be compared “directly” to obs-s\ Use cases: Check observational biases using realistic models Survey/observation planning Check models to observations
Ringberg, Gerard Lemson Prototypes Visualisation Smac (Dolag) Smac MoMaF (Blaizot) MoMaF Virtual telescope
Ringberg, Gerard Lemson Interoperability: Virtual telescope configuration Components simulations telescope models foregrounds (incl. lensing) Specification “pre-observation image” interfaces workflow Implementations …
Virtual telescope data flow
Ringberg, Gerard Lemson Quotes: "I think the global virtual observatory is a fantastic idea" - Martin Rees, Physics Today, Feb 2002 ... too much money will be sunk into software;... archives at ground-based observatories should be brought up to snuff before thinking about linking them; and... users won't be able to trust the processed data they call up.“ - Physics Today, Feb 2002 “… that VO nonsense …” - anon, Ringberg 2005
Ringberg, Gerard Lemson Discussion What do you want from the VO ? What should VO projects focus on ? What could/do you contribute to the VO ? Why is the VO a waste of resources ? Should spend money on more postdocs. What are the dangers of the VO? Too easy to do to bad science. What are the possible advantages of the VO? Easier to do good, new science. Easy to check bad science.