11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting 20031 Potential R&D focuses for China-VO Chenzhou Cui National Astronomical Observatory of China Chinese Virtual.


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Presentation transcript:

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Potential R&D focuses for China-VO Chenzhou Cui National Astronomical Observatory of China Chinese Virtual Observatory

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Outlines IVOA emphasis Pro and con for small VO projects China-VO R&D focuses –Integration –Data Access Services –VO-enabled telescope –VO-enabled LAMOST –Education

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Outlines IVOA emphasis Pro and con for small VO projects China-VO R&D focuses –Integration –Data Access Services –VO-enabled telescope –VO-enabled LAMOST –Education

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting IVOA emphasis Mission: to facilitate coordination of development to foster interoperability

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting IVOA emphasis Working Groups Resource Registry Data ModelingResource RegistryData Modeling Content Description (UCD) Data Access LayerContent Description (UCD)Data Access Layer VOTable VO Query LanguageVOTableVO Query Language Grid & Web Services Standards & ProcessesGrid & Web ServicesStandards & Processes Explore technologies Develop standards Recommend best practices

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting IVOA emphasis Most popular topics: –Interoperability –Resource Registry –Data Model –Web&Grid Technology –VOQL –VOTable –DAL Source from: Statistics for IVOA WebStatistics for IVOA Web

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting NVO Building the Framework for the National Virtual Observatory »from: Paul Messina, Alex Szalay NVO is not about building portals and applications, but rather emphasizes building standards and infrastructure. »from: Ray Plante

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting The NVO Environment Many resources, distributed curation –Thousands of individually accessible resources: Catalogs, observatory archives, surveys, spectra, services –Tens of data-providing centers NASA data centers, observatories, universities, research groups Must build on the existing infrastructure Data providers already support services using … Databases, CGI, metadata, …. Vast majority of data is publicly accessible Delivered over HTTP Buy-in cost is a critical issue –Incremental compliance –Toolkits are helpful from: Ray Plante

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Enabling Standards and Technologies Data Formats – FITS – an existing standard for astronomical images & tables – VOTable – an XML schema for transmitting astronomical tables Data Access Protocols – Cone Search – for searching catalogs by sky position – Simple Image Access (SIA) – to search for/create images based on sky position HTTP Get Queries return VOTable documents prototypes! Currently in development within the IVOA: – SkyNode – more generalized approach to catalog searching – VO Registries – for publishing and discovering resources Web Services Grid Technologies – Chimera & Pegasus – virtual data catalog and workflow management Replica Catalog Service – built-in caching of results on the grid – Condor from: Ray Plante

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting AstroGrid The end goal of the project (phase B) is to produce software which will enable the creation of a working, grid−enabled Virtual Observatory (VO) based around key UK astronomical data centres. »(AstroGrid Red Book)

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting AstroGrid The work breaks into a few major strands: Continuing research and development; Developing the software infrastructure that will make a VO possible; Developing user tools to make it possible to do science with AstroGrid. –portals, visualization tools, analysis tools, data mining algorithms, workflow editors, and so on »from: AstroGrid Red Book

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting AstroGrid top−level practical goals to develop … standards for data, metadata, data exchange and provenance to develop a software infrastructure for data services to establish a physical grid of resources shared by AstroGrid and key data centres to construct and maintain an AstroGrid Service and Resource Registry to implement a working Virtual Observatory system based around key UK databases and of real scientific use to astronomers to provide a user interface to that VO system to provide, either by construction or by adaptation, a set of science user tools to work with that VO system to establish a leading position for the UK in VO work »from: AstroGrid Red Book

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Outlines IVOA emphasis Pro and con for small VO projects China-VO R&D focuses –Integration –Data Access Services –VO-enabled telescope –VO-enabled LAMOST –Education

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Outlines IVOA emphasis Pro and con for small VO projects China-VO R&D focuses –Integration –Data Access Services –VO-enabled telescope –VO-enabled LAMOST –Education

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Disadvantages Limited: Astronomy Research Level Astronomical Resources –Data, Instruments and Telescopes Technology –Software Develop, Database, Network Funding –Is limited for us all

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Advantages Great interests from native astronomers and IT experts No historical backpacks –existing infrastructure, data service, CGI- scripts, etc. No large gaps among various projects –XML, Web Services, Grid, etc.

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Outlines IVOA emphasis Pro and con for small VO projects China-VO R&D focuses –Integration –Data Access Services –VO-enabled telescope –VO-enabled LAMOST –Education

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Outlines IVOA emphasis Pro and con for small VO projects China-VO R&D focuses –Integration –Data Access Services –VO-enabled telescope –VO-enabled LAMOST –Education

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting China-VO R&D focuses Unlike NVO and AstroGrid, as a small VO project, China-VO will emphasize on applications and portals. But we will take part in the developments of IVOA standards and infrastructure actively.

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Integration existing Software Packages, Toolkits, Libraries –Astronomical Utilities –Image Manipulation –Math and Statistics –Plotting IRAF, MIDAS, AIPS, … need much user interaction almost impossible for integration the more simple I/O and simple user interface the more easier to integrate

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Astronomical Utilities Coordinate conversion –equatorial (RA, Dec) to horizon (alt, azimuth) coordinates Date conversion –calendar date to Julian Date Units conversion –Magnitude to flux Ephemeris calculation –Sun set/rise, eclipse

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Image Manipulation Format conversion –Jpg, gif, tiff,fits,… Image edit –Rotate, resize, filter,… image correlation, image aligning FITS image manipulation –(C)FITSIO

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Math and Statistics data analysis –simple math operations –differentiating –integrating –statistics –Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) –(de)convolution –data smoothing –data filtering –Peak picking –data sorting curve fitting –linear fitting –nonlinear fitting

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Plotting 1D –spectrum, time series, … 2D –Line, Scatter, bar, column, pie, … –histogram, polar, vector,… 3D –bar, scatter, surface, contour, …

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Data Access Services IVOA DAL and Interoperability standards –VOTable, SIA, UCD, VOQL, etc. easy access to national and international astronomical datasets especially important for countries absent of large observation instruments

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Major data resources in China National –BATC 15 color sky survey: 360 GB –Huairou & Yunnan solar observation:700 GB –Miyun meter-wave sky survey: 5GB

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Major data resources in China International CDS/ADC Catalog 100G 2MASS catalogs40G 2dF7G ROSAT38G DSS I80G DSS II620G SDSS EDR60G Einstein X-ray Survey5G ADS Mirror400G SDSS DR1?

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting VO-enabled telescope Current projects: NAOC 2.16m telescope Yunnan observatory 2.4m telescope public internet observatory wide-field camera, 35cm, 60cm Tsinghua Univ. 40cm public telescope NAOC 2.16 m telescope

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting VO-enabled LAMOST VO-enabled –LAMOST data –LAMOST telescope –LAMOST Spectral Analysis Pipeline

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting VO-enabled LAMOST

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting VO-based Education international education resource access bilingual Skymap English-Chinese astronomical dictionary … China-VO education portal

11/26/2003IVOA Small Projects Meeting Q & A ? Thank You