Rosie Bolton1 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 SKADS Costing work: Spreadsheets to scalable designs Rosie Bolton Dominic.


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Presentation transcript:

Rosie Bolton1 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 SKADS Costing work: Spreadsheets to scalable designs Rosie Bolton Dominic Ford Gabriel Grigorescu Paul Alexander Tim Colegate

Rosie Bolton2 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 Talk outline Design and Costing: Second document –Latest SKADS costing figures –Identifying cost-scaling parameters Time line: moving to the new tool and handing over to the System design group. The SKA Functional Simulator Costing tool –Introduction –Example telescope design –GUI development Demonstration of the Costing tool.

Rosie Bolton3 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 Outline Configuration: Memo 100 Follow concentration based on the SKA Draft specification: DishAA-hiAA-lo <1Km 20%30%~15% <5Km50%66%50% <180Km75%100%100% <3000Km100% AAs only out to 180km, frequency bands 70MHz-450MHz and 300MHz- 1,000MHz. AA bandwidth up to full range – set by data transfer spec Dishes all correlated, not beam-formed in Stations. 800MHz-10GHz. B/W 4GHz 5 spiral arms, with –3 to 3,000km, 2 only to 180km (saves trenching cost but configuration studies must verify / challenge this) Station Core ~5km dia Central Processing Facility Not to scale! 180km Dishes AA-hi AA-lo

Rosie Bolton4 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 SKA cost breakdown: total €1.5Bn No: Infrastructure Roads, buildings No: Development costs NREs, tooling No: Software development costs No: Running costs No: Project management costs No: Contingency (but we do have an uncertainty estimate)

Rosie Bolton5 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 Cost / design dependencies Collector costs Data transport CorrelatorBack end computing Trenching AA Field of View  Sensitivity ( ) T sys ( ) AA Station size  ( ) Dish size ( ) Bandwidth  AA top frequency  Layout 

Rosie Bolton6 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 Cost / design dependencies Collector costs Data transport CorrelatorBack end computing Trenching AA Field of View  Sensitivity ( ) T sys ( ) AA Station size  ( ) Dish size ( ) Bandwidth  AA top frequency  Layout  For the Aperture arrays, with the FoV made up of multiple station beams, the data rate is directly proportional to the required FoV (if it is larger than the station beam size). Larger FoV => more processing to make maps

Rosie Bolton7 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 Cost / design dependencies Collector costs Data transport CorrelatorBack end computing Trenching AA Field of View  Sensitivity ( ) T sys ( ) AA Station size  ( ) Dish size ( ) Bandwidth  AA top frequency  Layout  In combination, the sensitivity requirements and the system temperature determine how much “stuff” we need, affecting everything. 10% reduction in collecting area / Tsys across the SKA would save ~€140 Million NPV (no correlator scaling for Dishes – will be non-linear with dish number)

Rosie Bolton8 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 Cost / design dependencies Collector costs Data transport CorrelatorBack end computing Trenching AA Field of View  Sensitivity ( ) T sys ( ) AA Station size  ( ) Dish size ( ) Bandwidth  AA top frequency  Layout  Make AA-hi Stations larger and more sensitive Have proportionally fewer stations to reach sensitivity Station beams are proportionally smaller: need more to fill FoV Station data rate goes up proportionally to area Total data rate transported to correlator is unchanged Fewer stations: fewer correlations – cheaper correlator

Rosie Bolton9 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 Cost / design dependencies Collector costs Data transport CorrelatorBack end computing Trenching AA Field of View  Sensitivity ( ) T sys ( ) AA Station size  ( ) Dish size ( ) Bandwidth  AA top frequency  Layout  Same data rate, factor of ~6 difference in price

Rosie Bolton10 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 Design and Costing: 2 Second Design and Costing document is to be delivered imminently –Includes updated SKA design, in line with SKA Memo 100 –Latest SKADS costs –Scaling relationships for overall costs

Rosie Bolton11 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 The SKA Costing tool Concept of “Design Blocks” was introduced in SKADS for D&C 1: Hierarchical Telescope designs made up of discrete blocks and components. SKACost tool was developed by the ISPO (Peter Hall, Aaron Chippendale and Tim Colegate) SKADS costing based on Excel spreadsheet The new SKA costing tool combines the best of these approaches –Advanced cost modelling and uncertainty handling –Plug-and-play telescope designs –GUI for easy browsing and editing

Rosie Bolton12 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 A: Tool with Example telescope design in database is made available B: Users download tool and database containing Design Blocks and components C: Users learn to use the tool by playing with example design blocks D: “Experts” study the relevant example design blocks create their own, improved, design blocks and / or components E: Code Checks: design blocks and components created by users are checked for functionality by the costing team F: SPDO Verification: New design blocks and components have calculations and cost estimates (with proof) checked by SPDO Design block development cycle

Rosie Bolton13 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 A: Tool with Example telescope design in database is made available B: Users download tool and database containing Design Blocks and components C: Users learn to use the tool by playing with example design blocks D: “Experts” study the relevant example design blocks create their own, improved, design blocks and / or components E: Code Checks: design blocks and components created by users are checked for functionality by the costing team F: SPDO Verification: New design blocks and components have calculations and cost estimates (with proof) checked by SPDO Design block development cycle In development now: available to selected people ~end Oct 08 End Oct 08 Early November 08 Mid November 08 Submit to costing team Mid Dec 08 Submit to SPDO Spring 09 Need full SKADS costs by ~Feb 09 SKADS Internal verification

Rosie Bolton14 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 Example telescope design Dishes and feeds in core and in outer array 2400 dishes Dishes and feeds in core and in outer array 2400 dishes AA-lo array antennas AA Station 85 Stations, 1 AA-lo, 1 AA-hi “array” in each AA Station 85 Stations, 1 AA-lo, 1 AA-hi “array” in each Digital Signal Transport Central processing and correlator SKA First stage Analogue beam-former First stage digital beam-forming Station beam-former Analogue data transport Mechanical infrastructure AA-hi array antennas AA-hi Local digital data transport Mechanical Infrastructure Analogue data transport Digital data transport First stage digital beamforning AA-lo AA Collectors AA-hi core 165 AA-hi “arrays” AA-hi core 165 AA-hi “arrays” AA-lo core 165 AA-lo “arrays” AA-lo core 165 AA-lo “arrays” Processing boxes Infrastructure and Trenching

Rosie Bolton15 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 SKA Costing Tool GUI Open the GUI and choose a telescope design file from the repository…

Rosie Bolton16 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 SKA Costing Tool GUI Browse available design blocks, view author information

Rosie Bolton17 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 SKA Costing Tool GUI Set specific build options for the top level design block that you wish to build

Rosie Bolton18 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 SKA Costing Tool GUI

Rosie Bolton19 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 SKA Costing Tool GUI Get cost and power outputs

Rosie Bolton20 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 List contents of build, including all sub-design blocks and components SKA Costing Tool GUI

Rosie Bolton21 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 SKA Costing Tool GUI Display the hierarchy interactively

Rosie Bolton22 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 SKA Costing Tool GUI Investigate cost / power breakdown by querying built design blocks

Rosie Bolton23 SKADS Costing work 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon, 2-3 October 2008 SKA Costing Tool GUI Time for a quick demonstration…