Question Format HSPA Open-Ended Questions will always have 2 bullet points. Before the bullet points, there will be a brief explanation or statement which gives you background about the following bullet points. Each bullet point asks for specific information from the reading-
Example: (From the story “The Telescope”) 2. The experience with the telescope has a profound effect on the boy and Old Man Corey. What does each character see, and what What does each character see, and what is his response to what he sees in the is his response to what he sees in the telescope? telescope? How will the experience with the How will the experience with the telescope change each of them? telescope change each of them?
The first bullet is usually "close to the text" / to apply what you learned in the reading. This bullet point will directly ask about information in the reading.
The second bullet is usually "beyond the text" / to extend what you know. The question will ask for you to make a prediction based on the reading or for your educated opinion about the topic in the reading. The second bullet is usually "beyond the text" / to extend what you know. The question will ask for you to make a prediction based on the reading or for your educated opinion about the topic in the reading.
Reword the question to create your topic sentence. Use pieces of the statement and the bullet question. This helps you to focus and lets the scorer (your audience) know what you are writing about. Reword the question to create your topic sentence. Use pieces of the statement and the bullet question. This helps you to focus and lets the scorer (your audience) know what you are writing about.
You should write at least 1 paragraph per bullet point: You should write at least 1 paragraph per bullet point: Your first paragraph should always incorporate evidence (QUOTES) into your answer. Don’t simply answer the question- answer the question and prove how the story backs up what you think Your first paragraph should always incorporate evidence (QUOTES) into your answer. Don’t simply answer the question- answer the question and prove how the story backs up what you think
Your 2 nd Paragraph should make a prediction or give your opinion, depending on the question. Try to make a personal connection- something from your experience or how you feel about something specific- in your response. Your 2 nd Paragraph should make a prediction or give your opinion, depending on the question. Try to make a personal connection- something from your experience or how you feel about something specific- in your response. Close your open-ended response with a concluding sentence similar to your topic sentence. (restate question) Close your open-ended response with a concluding sentence similar to your topic sentence. (restate question)
Even if you can’t answer completely, make an attempt. These questions are scored from 0-4 points. A partial answer can earn you some points! Even if you can’t answer completely, make an attempt. These questions are scored from 0-4 points. A partial answer can earn you some points! You must earn a 3 to pass the HSPA- a 3 point response is at least 2 pghs, answers the questions with evidence, and goes beyond the text. You must earn a 3 to pass the HSPA- a 3 point response is at least 2 pghs, answers the questions with evidence, and goes beyond the text.
1. Put a star next to each paragraph – you should have two stars 1. Put a star next to each paragraph – you should have two stars 2. Highlight the topic sentence. 2. Highlight the topic sentence. 3. Highlight support (quotes) from the passage. 3. Highlight support (quotes) from the passage. 4. Did you go beyond and use a personal experience? If so, highlight that example 4. Did you go beyond and use a personal experience? If so, highlight that example 5. Highlight the concluding statement. 5. Highlight the concluding statement. Did you get all 5 points? Did you get all 5 points? What should you focus on in the future? What should you focus on in the future?
Using the same reading we just completed, answer the second open-ended question on your own. Using the same reading we just completed, answer the second open-ended question on your own. Try to incorporate all of the elements we talked about in class today in your response Try to incorporate all of the elements we talked about in class today in your response These will be scored as a HSPA practice- out of 4 points----- go for a 4!!! These will be scored as a HSPA practice- out of 4 points----- go for a 4!!!