Science CDEC 1313 Nita Thomason, Ed.D.
Please touch! Please explore! What would happen if...? Why? What’s in my environment? What effect do I have?
We should nurture young children’s natural curiosity and they need to know why, which will lead to scientific exploration and enthusiasm.
Science Process Skills - how children learn Content - what children learn
Strands of Science Life science - study of living things, people, plants, and animals Ecology - the relationship between living things and their environment Physical science - study of non-living things Earth and space science - study of earth materials, objects in the sky and changes in the earth and sky
Learning about Science through Discovery Provide open-ended opportunities to investigate, self-discover, and problem solve Use the “hands-on, minds-on” approach Be guided by the interests of your students
Create a Scientific Environment Investigate water Discover rainbows Explore shadows Grow plants Focus on nature Ecology
Science Materials and Equipment aluminum foil pans aquarium ant farm binoculars bird house and feeders collection boxes & net compass corks, plugs, and stoppers disposable cameras dried plants egg beaters eye droppers feathers flashlights food coloring fossils garden hose kitchen timer magnets magnifying glasses pinecones pipe cleaners
Science Materials and Equipment plants plastic bottles, jars, trays prisms rain gauge rocks seashells rulers, tape measure yard stick scales seeds and catalogs sieves, sifters, funnels Shallow pans soil samples stethoscope sundial tape recorder & cassettes telescope terrarium thermometers tongs and tweezers watering cans x-rays
Tips for Teachers Provide hands-on experiences making science a part of every school day Preserve and value a child’s natural curiosity Avoid telling them about science, involve them in experiencing science Give them time to discover, make mistakes and learn Ask open-ended questions Integrate science across the curriculum
Sharing Science with Parents Look at science around you - plants, insects, animals, rocks, sunsets Go for walks in the park and woods Feel trees and discuss parts of the tree Collect all kinds of nature objects Help your child use her senses - sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste Let child water plants Recycle (involve child in process and why)
Assessment Anecdotal records Evaluate children’s attitudes, skills, and knowledge On-going