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Slang consists of words and expressions which will not be found in the dictionary, and can be distortions of existing words or entirely invented terms. It is used in informal situations. It is not appropriate in formal situations.
Examples of Slang in the 21 st century 24-7: Twenty-four hours a day-seven days a week. "Seven Eleven is open 24-7." All that: of a superior nature; wonderful or attractive. "Jaquin think he's all that.” all up in my grill: the act of being in someone's face. "Yo, you don't need to be all up in my grill unless you have a reason” baby daddy: a male, often a boyfriend or an ex-boyfriend. Most often means the father of, or someone who provides for, a female's child. Derived from "He is my baby's daddy.
Examples of Slang in the 21 st century Emo: Someone acting in a suicidal or depressed way. comes from "emotional". "Everytime Jr. gets dumped, he starts going emo on us, huggin' us & sayin' that he love us..."" you feel me?. A question asked to make sure someone understands you or where you’re coming from.
1920’s Slang vs Slang Big Cheese –. Someone who is flashy Bump Off - To murder Bee's Knees - An extraordinary person, thing, idea Level with me - be honest Flossin’: show off ones belongings or wealth. 187. v. murder. Derived from the police call sign. all that. of a superior nature; wonderful or attractive. Keep it real - Tell me the truth
Your Turn! For at least 10 of these, come up with modern day slang words/expressions that mean the same or similar to these 1920’s ones. Then, come up with 5 additional ones that you use or hear often in your circle of friends. Carry a Torch - To have a crush on someone Hard Boiled - a tough, strong guy Jalopy - Old car Joint - A club, usually selling alcohol Spiffy - An elegant appearance Flat Tire - A dull insipid, disappointing date. Fire extinguisher - a chaperone Bull – a policeman cake-eater : a lady’s man hip to the jive: cool, trendy rag-a-muffin : a dirty or disheveled individual On the leve l - legitimate, honest Scram - Ask someone to leave immediately Dumb Dora - a stupid female Hoofer – Dancer Hotsy-Totsy – Pleasing Neck - Kissing with passion Whoopee - To have a good time Daddy - a young woman's boyfriend or lover, especially if he's rich Hayburner – (a car that uses a lot of gas Attaboy - well done!; Dolled up - dressed up Pipe down - stop talking Stuck On - Having a crush on