New Faculty Orientation Sabbaticals and PDLs Kathleen Ann Long, PhD, RN Associate Provost August 15,
Available to all tenured faculty, 6 years in full- time service or 6 years from any previous sabbatical Programs vary depending on unit status Out of Unit (HSC, IFAS, Law) Faculty 2 SABBATICALS - GENERAL
Faculty on C&G can take if funding source covers Requires competitive application Must return to UF for at least 1 year after completion Income from other sources to cover salary will reduce UF salary 3 SABBATICALS - GENERAL
Available to in-unit faculty only (all except Law*, HSC, IFAS) Three kinds are available: Full year (2 semesters) half pay Awarded unless there are staffing difficulties Half year (1 semester) full pay 1/20 eligible faculty, awarded competitively and no staffing difficulties Full year (2 semesters) full pay (2011, 2012, 2013) 50 total, awarded competitively and no staffing difficulties * Law funds their own. 4 SABBATICALS - IN-UNIT
Available sabbaticals apportioned to colleges by percentage of total eligible faculty in college Faculty in admin unit smaller than 20 considered part of the college closest in discipline (Provost Office determines) Chair assesses and ranks and forwards to the college Faculty member may decline (and reapply) or postpone (without reapplication) with Department Chair approval 5 SABBATICALS - IN-UNIT
For untenured Regulations (CBA) allow these, but no central funding 6 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT LEAVE – IN-UNIT
Number of available PDLs calculated at rate of 1 for every 20 eligible faculty in-unit Available PDLs apportioned to colleges by percentage of total eligible faculty in college Faculty in admin unit smaller than 20 considered part of the college closest in discipline (Provost Office determines) 7 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT LEAVE – IN-UNIT
Contents of request and criteria stipulated. Granted if available unless “irresolvable staffing problems” result Unit chair/director assesses and ranks, provides brief rationale for the ranking and forwards to college Leaves at full pay for 1 semester or mutually acceptable alternative 8 PROFESSIONAL DEVEVLOPMENT LEAVE – IN-UNIT
Depends on funds available and processes in college 9 SABBATICALS - OUT-OF-UNIT
Available to all eligible faculty (untenured) Eligible after 6 years continuous, full- time service and/or after 6 years from any previous PDL Check with your chair and college associate dean for procedures 10 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT LEAVE OUT-OF-UNIT
Purposes and lengths vary Regulations allow these, but not widely available; funds are limited 11 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT LEAVE OUT-OF-UNIT
FACULTY ENHANCEMENT OPPORTUNITY (FEO) Three Year Pilot Project $2M/Year for Three Years ( , , ) From President’s Office With some support from Units Continued in for $1.5 million 12
FACULTY ENHANCEMENT OPPORTUNITY (FEO) Goal: Advance Academic/Professional Scholarly Abilities of Faculty Members Advance Individuals, Departments, Colleges and UF 13
FACULTY ENHANCEMENT OPPORTUNITY (FEO) Important to Know: FEO dollars are new. They are not in place of any existing Sabbatical/PDL money FEOs are intended to be flexible; not limited to traditional Sabbatical format (vary in length, dollar amount, funding categories) 14
FACULTY ENHANCEMENT OPPORTUNITY (FEO) Important to Know: Faculty members in all Units at UF are able to participate in FEOs Faculty members are welcome to apply after three years of full time service at UF. Faculty members can be awarded a FEO only once every six years. 15
FACULTY ENHANCEMENT OPPORTUNITY (FEO) Important to Know: FEO pilot project was reviewed by Senate Welfare Council and Steering Committee Unit level Sabbatical Committees and Deans review applications – then a seven-member central Task Force reviews the forwarded proposals and recommends to the Provost The original Task Force proposed the criteria for FEO review 16
FACULTY ENHANCEMENT OPPORTUNITY (FEO) Important to Know: The Task Force includes three members appointed/elected by the Senate, two members appointed by the Provost and two appointed by VPs (1 from IFAS and 1 from HSC.) 17
FACULTY ENHANCEMENT OPPORTUNITY (FEO) The current Task Force includes: Provost appointees: Kathleen Ann Long, Associate Provost Appointee to be determined Faculty Senate appointees: Ralf Remshardt, College of Fine Arts, School of Theatre and Dance David Quillen, College of Medicine, Community Health and Family Medicine Jack Mecholsky, College of Engineering, Dept. of Materials Science Engineering Vice President appointees: HSC: Jeannine Brady, College of Dentistry, Department of Oral Biology IFAS appointee to be determined 18
FACULTY ENHANCEMENT OPPORTUNITY (FEO) See FEO Website at: for Procedures and Application Materials and samples of successful proposals. Or contact: Kathleen Long at or Ellen Sattler at 19
FACULTY ENHANCEMENT OPPORTUNITY (FEO) UF has many opportunities for faculty development – use them!! Sabbatical or PDL and FEO can be combined if approved by review committee/s, Chair and Dean 20