page 1 RCUK : PATHWAYS TO IMPACT WHAT IT MEANS AND WHAT TO DO NOW Professor John Marshall Director Academic Research Development CREDO workshop May 2011
page 2 Research Impact: What it can mean 1.UK Research Councils: RCUK “Pathways to Impact” 2.UK Research Councils: “Outputs and Outcomes Collection” 3.UK Research Excellence Framework: “Impact Assessment” 4.Academic Journal Impact Factors 5.Academic Research Publication Citations 6.Scottish Government /SFC Knowledge Exchange 7.GCU Research Impact This presentation will focus primarily on Pathways to Impact
page 3 All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax. Albert Einstein
page 4 Part 1: Research Councils UK (RCUK): What is Research Impact? RCUK is committed to research excellence with impact This means continuing to invest in the best research, people and infrastructure, whilst aiming to enhance the impact of that funding on society RCUK recognise that the research that is funded has academic and economic and societal impacts The potential to maximise both of these is now assessed in research grant applications within the peer review process.
page 5 UK Research Councils: “Pathways to Impact” Applicants are now required to explore the ways to enhance the potential impact of funded research For GCU, this is relevant to staff making research grant applications to AHRC, BBSRC EPSRC, ESRC, MRC and NERC Impact related information must now be supplied in the relevant sections of the electronic form as part of the Joint Electronic Submission (JeS) grant application process as follows. Academic impact: via Academic beneficiaries and case for support sections Economic/Societal impact: via Impact summary and Pathways to Impact sections Fo
page 6 RCUK Research Grant Applications: Impact Academic Beneficiaries Should cover potential academic impact and pathways to realising it (e.g. effects of possible research outcomes on other academic disciplines) Impact Summary Should cover potential economic and societal impact and seek to answer two questions: Who might benefit from this research? How might they benefit from this research? Pathways to Impact Should detail the activities which will help develop potential economic and societal impact, answering the question: What will be done to ensure that potential beneficiaries have the opportunity to benefit from this research? Activities outlined in Pathways to Impact should be: appropriate and specific
page 7 What is economical and societal impact? RCUK definition: It is the demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to society and the economy by: Fostering global economic performance and specifically the economic competitiveness of the UK Increasing the effectiveness of public services and policy Enhancing the quality of life, health and creative output
page 8 Why is RCUK asking researchers to explore Pathways to Impact ? Asking applicants to consider activities to enhance economic and societal impact is not new RCUK knows that the research funded has a huge impact on the wellbeing and economy of the UK Recent changes help emphasise the importance RCUK places on this and ensure that potential impacts are demonstrated and supported It also ensures a common format for capturing and assessing this information across different research councils
page 9
page 10 RCUK: Economic and Societal Impact of Research The Pathways to Impact submission in grant applications will be assessed by peer review and could affect the decision about whether or not to fund a project The primary criterion for RCUK is still to fund excellent research. However this section will be particularly important in affecting decisions for example: At the borderline Where there is a clear need for user engagement It is expected that having reviewed the guidance, applicants will be able to explore Pathways to Impact for their research. The maximum length is two pages but it is not expected that all applications will require this level of detail
page 11 If you feel that this approach is not applicable for your research (i.e. that it may have no economic/societal impact) then you must still use the Pathway to Impact to explain your reasoning. This will be reviewed with the rest of your proposal. What if my research is assessed as excellent but my Pathways to Impact are deemed not suitable? RCUK reserve the right to withhold the award of grant until Pathways to Impact are of a standard appropriate for the project What if my Pathways to Impact are assessed as excellent but my research is not? Excellent research remains the primary criterion so you will not be funded. RCUK: Economic and Societal Impact of Research
page 12 RCUK Pathways to Impact: Available resources and guidance RCUK Pathways to Impact website Contents : Frequently asked questions (pdf) Top 10 tips for completing the Pathways to Impact (html) Guidance for completing Pathways to Impact RCUK Expectations on economic and societal impact (pdf) RCUK typology of research impacts (pdf) Public engagement with research (html)
page 13 AHRC: BBSRC: EPSRC: ESRC: NERC: MRC: STFC: Further specific guidance, resources and help on research impact available from: RCUK Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S): Case for Support and Attachments Impact Requirements
page 14 Any questions on the presentation? An electronic copy will be circulated to those attending and will be available from the University research webpage in the CREDO staff development section
page 15 Part 2: Workshop session : Examples of Impact Statements to review in groups (see handout) (No discipline specific knowledge required)
page 16 Research Impacts