Synchronised MIS Data to iPhone Student details including photo’s Staff contact details Attendance Behaviour Timetable Mobile Information Data is safe Why iPhones / iPod Touch? What is Emerge? LR
Research Input and feedback from: Leeds Xporter UGM (3 rd June)= 20 LA’s London Xporter UGM (15 th June)= 57 LA’s Manchester – Messenger UGM (17 th June)= 75 Schools Redbridge – Messenger UGM(18 th June)= 45 Schools LR
Fire & Emergency Evacuation - You can take registers in the playground, no paper Server or Internet Failure - Access student data whilst systems down Staff can use it for mobile information - mobile access to Student information (e.g. Medical, Timetable ) Electronic Registration - with write-back to MIS Uses of Emerge LR
Emerge training DVD 13 minute film Covers the story of first 30 minutes of a fictional school fire Designed to complement GroupCall Emerge Made by leading crisis management experts with a team of TV producers SA
Connection via WIFI, 3G Management Console controls access to data Data and Modules sent to device Attendance information sent back to MIS How it works? LR
Only registered devices Data encrypted for device and user Username, password and pin code 2 Factor authentication Remote Wipe capability Your data is SECURE! LR
Supported LR Unsupported Original iPhone – A1203 Original iPod Touch – A1213
Supported Configurations LR Accessed via School Network Connects to Emerge Web Service on SIMS Server Can be via proxy
Supported Configurations LR
Supported Configurations LR
Direct Internet Connection LR Emerge Web services exposed to internet Requires change on Firewall
Authentication Uses a single SIMS account – dedicated account recommended. Emerge users mapped to SIMS using Staff Code field via GroupCall Xporter 2 layers –i device has UDID, checked by Emerge –Username and Password
Next Developments LR
Spring 2011 Due Spring 2011 (end of spring term) Functionality to include: –Behaviour - comments write back –Attendance – late minutes –Attendance – comments
Summer 2011 Due Summer Release 2011 – (end of Summer term) Functionality to include: –Assessment - view Technologies to include: –Support for Android Devices
Emerge Parental App Due for release at end of Summer term Allowing parents to: –View attendance information over pre-defined period –Received daily updates –Link to VLE / MLE / LP – single sign on AD Authentication (SLG)
Parental App Access to school information Summary attendance, behaviour, attainment Change Alerts Secure and permission based access to their children’s information at school SIMS Learning Platform SIMS LR
EWO App Central data collection Schools can be grouped with secure access to daily attendance information Near real-time information Module to highlight children and parents that need EWO support Central Database Locally hosted or cloud based LR SIMS
Single school costs Primary School Subscription Costs 1 st Device£ nd and subsequent devices£ 99 per device Primary school site licence£1,000 Secondary School Subscription Costs 1 st Device£ nd and subsequent devices£ 99 per device Secondary school site licence£2,950 SA
Further info –Contact Mouchel SIMS Team
SAFE, Secure mobile data Data always available Cost effective Simple to use Summary LR