Gross Domestic Product Developments GDP Team: Richard Morrison John Dowens David Jack SNAP Team: Andrew Mortimer.


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Presentation transcript:

Gross Domestic Product Developments GDP Team: Richard Morrison John Dowens David Jack SNAP Team: Andrew Mortimer

Table of Contents Updated Chainweights Panel Methodology replaced by ratio estimates in production Stratification Review in Services Routine Review of sources and methods across the board –Including refresh of seasonality models Benchmarking of Historic Series

Updated Chainweights Reflects new Input-Output tables for Scotland published on 13 th October 2010 –1997 – 2004 Weights revised –2005, 2006 and 2007 weights introduced This update is a standard methodological procedure first established in 2004.

New Weights - Construction

Index of Production Panel Method replaced with ratio estimates –Panel of representative companies is replaced with statistical estimation of each industrial sector –Enhances coverage and improves estimate quality – better exploitation of sample –Reviewed and consolidated some subseries Methodology change was approved at SESCG in October 2008

Production - Effect of move to Ratio Estimates (with New Weights)

Services Stratification and other general review Service sector sample strata have historically been based on turnover strata. Moved now to employment –More stable over time –Structural sources have better employment data –Consistent with Production All seasonal modelling has been reviewed –Confirming and honing existing models and parameters Introduced long trailed Atkinson Health Measure

Services – Effects of Changes

Benchmarking GVA to IO short termOutput method is a short term indicator IO more reliable in the long run –Although doesn’t have quarterly resolution Benchmarking IO totals improves long term estimates while retaining resolution Series are benchmarked 1994 to 2007 This methodology was approved by SESCG in the October 2008 meeting.

Effects - Services

Effects– Production

Effects - Construction

Effects Agriculture Forestry and Fishing

Effects - Headline

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