BPS Nurses Registration in MIIS Reference Guide March 2015
Overview BPS is one of the first school districts to join the MIIS (Massachusetts Immunization Information System) for read only access to immunizations. This will help locate records for those who have received immunizations in Massachusetts. Please note that not all health facilities are currently enrolled, but they have been mandated to submit immunization records to the state so that your ability to locate records will increase as more health centers update their records. This shifts responsibility for immunization monitoring and management more towards the public health sector and medical providers, although the immunization requirements for school entry will still exist. There will continue to be out of state and country entrants who will not be captured, initially, by this registry. Also, the registry does not solve the problem of entering data into SNAP. The solution to these issues will be discussed separately. You have all been individually listed in the Boston application, but every user is required to sign on individually. The registration process for each nurse is outlined in this document.
To Start: Go to: and click on the Registration tab at the top of the page. Scroll down and click MIIS User Registration Click Begin User Registration Getting Started
Information for Online Registration for BPS Nurses and Paras Facility Name: Boston Public Schools Health Services Is this site Registered with the MDPH Vaccine Unit: No ( important to click this) Address: 443 Warren St, Boston, MA, (Suffolk County) Phone: You do not need a site # a)Enter provider site information to identify site that was registered by your Access Administrator.. Click Continue. b) Confirm or choose site identified by system is your site and click Continue. Step 2- Identify BPS as a Site
Step 3: Register as a BPS Nurse/Para User If you have 2 schools, the first number from nurse assignment was used
Step 3: Almost There User is confirmed as Recognized User. Note: if user is not recognized, please contact your site’s MIIS Access Administrator (LInda Grant), who must first designate you as user. Create personal password for Contact MIIS Resource Center. Click Continue.
Step 4: Authorizing by BPS and MIIS Print MIIS User Agreement from user’s home page. User initials page 1 & 2, and signs page 3. Fax (do not , text or mail) completed form to L. Grant Fax: who will then fax to MIIS and note that registration has been initiated. This way we will be able to keep track of who has registered. Network Nurse liaisons will be expected to support all their nurses and paras to enroll. Call Linda Grant with any concerns
And then… Once forms are processed at MIIS you will have secure login access to the ContactMIIS Resource Center, a one stop shop for all your MIIS needs, where you can : Manage your info – User Management tab Register your Intent for Meaningful Use Stage 2 or access your Meaningful Report Card – Meaningful Use tab View MIIS Training videos, access MIIS User Manual and Reference Guides – Training Center tab Download MIIS Fact Sheets, Posters, Sample language and Objection Forms – Clinical Integration tab Create a support ticket for a question or issue – Support tab MIIS Help Desk: Phone Fax: