Value driven approach
Background undergraduate students 6000 reside in residences first years in residences. Demand for residence accommodation is much higher than the rooms available. 27 residences that mainly house undergraduate students. 9 male students only, 13 female students only and 6 co-ed Vary 117 students to 494 students. Within walking distance from our academic buildings. Residences play a very influential role in student culture. Each display a definite character Competition amongst residences is high.
Background 2003 a panel was appointed to analyse: a)existing documents and policy with respect to the regulations for students, especially students in residences; b)the structures and processes in terms of which this policy is implemented and monitored; and c)student culture, with specific reference to student residence culture; and to develop, in consultation with all parties involved, principles and guidelines for the future that will protect and respect the rights of all students.
Context The University is undergoing a comprehensive process of transformation Displaying all the typical features: suspicion, confusion, uncertainty and fear of the unknown and for what may be lost, impatience with perceived slow pace of change and excessive veneration of the past.
Observation of the panel Residences and students differ regarding their preparedness for, and concrete progress in, adaptation and change. There is still a tendency to cling to obsolete practices that are neither functional nor respectful of basic human dignity. Although diversity has in general been accommodated, it still has not been generally internalised. In other cases deliberate steps have been taken and well-planned processes implemented. Extremely encouraging results wrt acceptance of basic values, revision of codes of conduct and the development of a future-oriented frame of mind. But the challenge remains to make the changes that have taken place in the head also changes of the heart.
Recommendation Develop and implement a value-driven ethos. Develop a shared vision and a set of common values for all forms of student accommodation to which all parties commit themselves – not only on paper, but also and especially in practice. each unit can compile their own ethos, on condition that it does not conflict with the general set of values.
What happened? Residences were asked to formulate their own values Conduct will be measured to their own values. leadership of residences sceptic whether they will be allowed to set own values. Reverse process to the panel report.
How to formulate values? simple method suggested two simple questions. –What is that you like about your residence? –What is it that you dislike about your residence? All answers are used and sorted into values.
Example I like the fact that I am greeted by name. I dislike loud music when I study. Respect –Satisfier – I greet others by name –Dissatisfier – My music disturbs others
Whose definition of values? Often asked: “Whose definition of the values will prevail?” We learnt it is possible to find the existing inclusive content of a value in a particular residence. –Take all contributions as valid –Not only the majority in res define content.
Changes in head also in heart jaargesprek (a yearly conversation) was introduced. between the manager student housing, the residence head and the house committee and other invited guests. 3 hours How values are ingrained How values relate to academics, diversity and all events organised for coming year. jaargesprek became a tool to align the vision, goals and practices of the residences with those of the University.
We learnt Not necessary to have the same set of values for everyone to be able to have a value-driven ethos. It is only necessary for all to be committed to values. We learnt that the conversation was a powerful tool to move student leadership and their influence on residences to advocate change within their values. We learnt that students always choose constructive values.
Practical examples Sports tour Revision of traditions – can never say it was done last year –Two good reasons?
We learnt We learnt that a value driven ethos helps to fix things in a way that also helps to heal relationships. We learnt that stories play an important role in embedding a value-driven ethos. We learnt that students are committed to live according to their values if they are certain others take them seriously.
Conclusion Difference between value-based and value-driven. In a value-driven approach the values itself are the centre of each discussion. It entails more uncertainty, but also much more forthright discussion. Easier to handle diversity where there is one dominant group and one group in a small minority. –real authority lies in the values and its content. Not even the majority can act outside the values. Actions of leadership more predictable and a healthier relationship exists between management and students. (However, our challenge still lies with the senior students outside leadership structures.)