ADMISSIONS MODULE CREATING A STUDENT RECORD Northwest University Registrar’s Office 2014 Updated 7/9/2014
Best Word of Advice If you can’t remember what you are changing in PowerCAMPUS, do not save! Updated 7/9/2014
Admissions Module – Applicants Workflow Updated 7/9/2014
Applicant Name Tab Updated 7/9/2014
Applicant Name Tab Cont.. When you fill out the first and last name the system will scan the database for possible duplicates. Review the possibilities to ensure no duplicates are created. Fill in the student’s legal name. Updated 7/9/2014
Applicant Name Tab Cont.. Preferred Address will always be “Permanent” It is important that the birth date is correct. This helps reduce duplicate records. Fill out as much of this information as you can. If they are a Veteran, select “VA Chapter” unless you know their specific chapter. Double click the Secure Info box to add the social security number. Updated 7/9/2014
Applicant Name Tab – Secure Info Input the Government ID number and any previous ID number that the applicant provides. Updated 7/9/2014
Address Tab Enter Permanent for the address type. This will be a “+” or “-”. Click to show or hide information. On the Permanent address the will be the applicant’s personal address. Updated 7/9/2014
Phone Numbers Tab Insert applicant’s phone numbers as they are given. To add another phone number, click the insert button and enter the information. Updated 7/9/2014
Telecommunications Tab The Phone Numbers tab will prefill the telecommunications tab. You can use this tab to add additional communications methods such as websites and addresses. Updated 7/9/2014
Application Tab Most online programs will be session: MAIN + (month) Criminal Justice will be CRMJ + (Month) Decision and Confirmation Date will be filled in by Northwest University staff. Updated 7/9/2014 Counselor: Ruth Krental Advisor: Online Program Advising Each applicant will have alternative program, degree, curriculum and college. Review additional training material for differentiation.
Education Tab If there is previous education enter it into this tab. Enter Northwest University education as shown in the example ONLY if they are a re- applicant. Updated 7/9/2014 To search for an institution, select search, “Institutions”. Search the institution by name and/or city and state. Once you have found the appropriate one, press select.
Stop List Tab Stop lists prevent students from registering. Updated 7/9/2014 Add the Stop List Hold: ACSV – Account Services Stop date will automatically fill.