Review of “io” Third Conjugation Verbs Pres.Pres.Perf.Perf. Act.Act.Act.Pass. Indic.Infin.Indic.Participle 1st conjugationvocovocarevocavi vocatus - call 2nd conjugationmoneomoneremonuimonitus - warn Reg. 3 rd conjugationrego regere rexi rectus - rule “io” 3 rd conjugationcapiocaperecepicaptus - take
TenseRuleTranslation Active and Passive Voice (1st & 2nd conj.)(Reg. 3rd conj.) Present Pres. Stem + PE Pres. Root + i + PE (am, is are; do, does; simple pres.) ImperfectPres. Stem + ba + PEPres. Root + eba + PE (was, were; used to; did) FuturePres. Stem + bi + PEPres. Root + a/e + PE (shall/will) Present Stem = Present Active Infinitive (2nd principal part of verb) - re Present Root = Present Active Infinitive (2nd principal part of verb) – ere “io” verbs of the third conjugation add an i to the present root.
Present Tense of capio capere – take(Page 190) (Active Voice) Rule = Present Root + i +Personal Endings 1. capi+o = capioI take, am taking, do take 2. capi+s =capisyou take, are taking, do take 3. capi+t = capithe takes, is taking, does take 1. capi+mus = capimuswe take, are taking, do take 2. capi+tis =capitisyou take, are taking, do take 3. capi+nt = capiuntthey take, are taking, do take (Passive Voice) Rule = Present Root + i + Personal Endings 1. capi+or = capiorI am (being) taken 2. capi+ris =caperisyou are (being) taken 3. capi+tur = capiturhe is (being) taken 1. capi+mur = capimurwe are (being) taken 2. capi+mini =capiminiyou are (being) taken 3. capi+ntur = capiunturthey are (being) taken
Imperfect Tense of capio capere – take(Page 190) (Active Voice) Rule = Present Root + eba +Personal Endings 1. capi+eba+m = capiebamI was taking, used to take, did take 2. capi+eba+s =capiebasyou were taking, used to take, did take 3. capi+eba+t = capiebathe was taking, used to take, did take 1. capi+eba+mus = capiebamuswe were taking, used to take, did take 2. capi+eba+tis =capiebatisyou were taking, used to take, did take 3. capi+eba+nt = capiebantthey were taking, used to take, did take (Passive Voice) Rule = Present Root + eba + Personal Endings 1. capi+eba+r = capiebarI was (being) taken 2. capi+eba+ris =capiebarisyou were (being) taken 3. capi+eba+tur = capiebaturhe was (being) taken 1. capi+eba+mur = capiebamurwe were (being) taken 2. capi+eba+mini =capiebaminiyou were (being) taken 3. capi+eba+ntur = capiebanturthey were (being) taken
Future Tense of capio capere – take(Pages 190) (Active Voice) Rule = Present Root + a/e +Personal Endings 1. capi+a+m = capiamI shall take 2. capi+e+s =capiesyou will take 3. capi+e+t = capiethe will take 1. capi+e+mus = capiemuswe shall take 2. capi+e+tis =capietisyou will take 3. capi+e+nt = capientthey will take (Passive Voice) Rule = Present Root + a/e + Personal Endings 1. capi+a+r = capiarI shall be taken 2. capi+e+ris =capierisyou will be taken 3. capi+e+tur = capieturhe will be taken 1. capi+e+mur = capiemurwe shall be taken 2. capi+e+mini=capieminiyou will be taken 3. capi+e+ntur = capienturthey will be taken
All Latin Verbs (Regular and Irregular)(Review Sheet) Perfect, Pluperfect, Future Perfect Tenses, Active Voice PerfectPerfect Stem + i, isti,it, imus, istis, erunt (has, have; simple past) PluperfectPerfect Stem + eram, eras erat, eramus, eratis, erant (had) Future PerfectPerfect Stem + ero, eris,erit, erimus, eritis, erint (shall have/will have)
Ablative of Separation (Page 192) The Ablative of Separation emphasizes the state of being apart. Sometimes the separation is figurative, with such verbs as those meaning to set free, deprive, sustain, and the preposition is omitted. If the word in the ablative refers to a person, a preposition is regularly used. Patriam periculo liberavit. He freed his country from danger. Patriam ab hostibus liberavit. He freed his country from the enemy. The preposition ab with the Ablative of Agent always means by; with the Ablative of Separation it means from, away from.