How to access, find, add to, and edit course reserve items for faculty.
Access the MSL library webpage at Click the Services Tab Select Course Reserves from the left menu Click on Add a Reserve or Go to Reserves Log in to the Central Authentication System with your NetID and Password.
This screen is the student view. Click on Switch to Instructor Mode
Main Menu In the center is a list of your current classes. Click on a class to view and edit. On the left is the instructor Toolbar Edit, add, and delete courses and material.
Instructor Toolbar There are four links under this heading: Create a New Class –create new classes and add content. New Classes must be approved by MSL before content can be added Previous Classes –access classes from previous semesters. Upcoming classes –access classes which have not yet opened. Full Proxy Users –designate users who can add and edit classes for you. They will have FULL access to your class information. You must know their NetID to add them.
Class Home – go to Class Details page. Edit class. Cross Listings –link your class to another class number. Delete Class – Permanently erases the class. Clone Class – Create a copy for a different semester. Continue a class without having to recreate it.
Class Proxy Users – add class-specific proxy users. They will have access only to this specific class/materials. Authorized Users –adjust which students have access to reserves. Add Reserve Items –place physical and digital items on reserve. Reserve Item Usage - view usage statistics for reserve materials.
Add Reserves Click on the Add Reserve Item toolbar option Choose item type shown above. Fill out the form as completely as possible. MSL will need the citation to verify copyright before it is available. Status will be “Awaiting Review by Staff”. Tags may be added to the item record. Anything in the tag area is visible to students. Journal Articles – articles available electronically must be linked to the website. Only articles not available electronically can be loaded as pdfs. Click “Submit Item” when finished. Item will appear in the Class Details as “Awaiting Review by Staff”.
Please feel free to contact the reserves department with any questions or requests. Staff is generally available to assist with course reserves requests Monday-Friday, 8am – 6pm. Phone – –