The Imperfect verb features prefixes (remember, the perfect verb featured suffixes).
PNG 3ms יִכְתֹּב he will write 3fs תִּכְתֹּב she will write 2ms תִּכְתֹּב you will write 2fs תִּכְתְּבִי you will write 1cs אֶכְתֹּב I will write 3mp יִכְתְּבוּ they will write 3fp תִּכְתֹּבְנָה they will write 2mp תִּכְתְּבוּ you will write 2fp תִּכְתֹּבְנָה you will write 1cp נִכְתֹּב we will write The 2ms and 3fs are identical. Use context. The 2fp and 3fp are also identical. The imperfect distinguishes between the 3mp and 3fp. The vowel of the second syllable is a holem unless a suffix is attached. In those cases, the holem reduces to a shewa.
Future—Action that has yet to occur. For example: תִּכְתֹּב can be translated as “she will write.” Habitual—Action that occurs customarily or repeatedly. For example: תִּכְתֹּב can be translated as “she writes” or “she used to write” in the sense of a customary or habitual action whether in the future, present, or past. The key to an imperfect verb application to the past, which is usually reserved for the perfect tense, is the repetitive nature of custom or habit. For example: “We always ate dinner together.” Modal— Action that indicates necessity or possibility. In English, we use the following words to translate the meaning of modal: may, would, should, could, can, and might. For example: תִּכְתֹּב can be translated as “she could write,” “she may write,” “she should write,” and so forth. The modal is applied only with certain sets of syntax that will be studied in future lessons. The meaning of the imperfect verb:
While we use the term incomplete (meaning the action has not been completed) to describe the action of an imperfect verb, this is not entirely accurate. Imperfect action is usually nonspecific, probable, potential, or habitual action. The action is truly incomplete when the specific future tense is used, such as “he will speak” or “they will return.” To negate the imperfect, use the word לׁא. Consider some of the possible translations for the following example: In Hebrew poetry, the word ־ אַל is also used to negate the imperfect. לׁא תִּכְתֹּב She will not write. (or) She does not write. (or) She would not write. (or) She might not write. (or) She does not usually write.
Pronominal suffixes for dual absolute and construct nouns are identical to those for plural nouns: SingularDual Absolute Dual Construct יָד hand יָדַיִם two hands יְדֵי hands of רֶגֶל foot רַגְלַיִם two feet רַגְלֵי feet of אׁזֶן ear אָזְנַיִם two ears אָזְנֵי ears of עַיִן eye עֵינַיִם two eyes עֵינֵי eyes of כָּנָף wing כְּנָפַיִם two wings כַּנְפֵי wings of The following are some examples of dual nouns with pronominal suffixes. יָדַי my (two) hands רַגְלַי my (two) feet יָדֶיךָ your (ms) (two) hands רַגְלֶיךָ your (ms) (two) feet יָדָיו his (two) hands רַגְלֵיכֶם your (mp) (two) feet
In addition to parts of the body, time and measurement can also be expressed in the dual. For example: יוֹמַיִם two days פַּעֲמַיִם twice שְׁבוּעַיִם two weeks אַמָּתַיִם two cubits שְׁנָתַיִם two years Adjectives that modify dual nouns should be rendered in the plural form. For example, יָדָיו עַזּוֹת is translated as “his (two) strong hands.”