March 19 nd 2014
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 2 Client: Dr. Timoth Lederman Guest: Dr. Darren Lim Guest: Dr. Meg Fryling
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 3 Introduction/ Problem Definition Current Status Prototypes Unit Tests Acceptance Criteria What is next for our project Data Dictionary ER Diagram Database Tables
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 4 Dustin Clark Team Leader Zachary Witter Webmaster Devin Hurley Lead Developer Chan Tran Data Scientist Josh Tomaszewski Database Administrator
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 5 Difficult to find other forum members Current system is time consuming Forum members can not add their own data Intuitive implementation needed
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 6 Introduction/ Problem Definition Current Status Prototypes Unit Tests Acceptance Criteria What is next for our project Data Dictionary ER Diagram Database Tables
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3/19/2014 Detailed Design 11 Logged out with a cookie Logged in and not admin
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 12 Admin Logged in Extra Tab
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3/19/2014 Detailed Design 14 Logged in
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 15 Logged in Create Edit Search Logged out Search
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 16 Appears after clicking ‘Create Event’
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 17 Appears after clicking ‘Edit Event’ Can edit after searching event Click on Event Pin
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 18 Pre-search
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 19 Post-Search D
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3/19/2014 Detailed Design 24 Post-Search
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 25 Clicked Edit Profile
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 26 Introduction/ Problem Definition Current Status Prototypes Unit Tests Acceptance Criteria What is next for our project Data Dictionary ER Diagram Database Tables
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3/19/2014 Detailed Design 32 Introduction/ Problem Definition Current Status Prototypes Unit Tests Acceptance Criteria What is next for our project Data Dictionary ER Diagram Database Tables
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 33 Data NameData TypeWhat is it?How is it used?Acceptable InputExampleComments userNameStringUsername of memberTo login to the site.A-Z, a-z, 0-9gmctrucksRULE57 Is imported from forum. Can be in shoutout passwordStringPassword of memberTo login to the site. ASCII Chars from Decimal 32 to Decimal 126 inclusive, allowed aw830bvf7p9 Is imported from forum. Can be changed isAdminboolean Speicifies if a member is an admin If true then member has access to admin panel true, falseTRUE isForumMemberboolean Specifies whether user is forum member Determines whether this user can see pins on the map true, falseFALSE Only matters when not signed in String of memberIn profile or shoutout Field must be in the normal form (i.e. Can be in shoutout firstNameStringFirst name of memberIn profile or shoutout ASCII Chars from Decimal 32 to Decimal 126 inclusive, allowed John Can be in shoutout lastNameStringLast name of memberIn profile or shoutout ASCII Chars from Decimal 32 to Decimal 126 inclusive, allowed Smith Can be in shoutout phoneNumberString Phone number of member In profile or shoutout Series of ints including "()" surrounding the first three error code digits (518) Can be in shoutout
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 34 Tested on major browsers Integration Testing Acceptance Test – Functional Requirements – Non-functional Requirements
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3/19/2014 Detailed Design 38 MetUnmetMap with pins representing member and event locations MetUnmetUpon click, each pin displays with a “shoutout” containing member or event information MetUnmetAt least two distinct pins for users and events MetUnmetWill have a slide-out right aligned panel with a Members tab, Events tab, Directions tab, Profile tab, Admin tab (visible only to admin) MetUnmetRandom Actor will not be able to see anything. Redirected to create an account on the oldGMCtrucks forum. MetUnmetWill see blank map MetUnmetWill have the ability to sign up for an account on oldGMCtrucks forum. MetUnmetoldGMCtrucks Forum Member Actor will have the ability to access the site through the oldGMCtrucks forum. MetUnmetWill have the ability to view a map with user information on the map. MetUnmetWill have the ability to create an account on the oldGMCtrucks Mapper site. MetUnmetoldGMCtrucks Mapper Member Actor will have the ability to log in. Will have the ability to update information in their profile.
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 39 Introduction/ Problem Definition Current Status Prototypes Unit Tests Acceptance Criteria What is next for our project Data Dictionary ER Diagram Database Tables
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 40
3/19/2014 Detailed Design 41 Dr. Timoth Lederman Dr. Darren Lim Dr. Meg Fryling Software Engineering Class