Introduction to the Course TED 356 Curriculum in Sec. Ed.
Secondary Education Courses TED 356 Curriculum in Sec. Educ. –1 credit –1 st 5 weeks: MWF 9:00-9:50 a.m. TED 367 Methods in Sec. Educ. –2 credits –2 nd 10 weeks: MWF 9:00-9:50 a.m. TED 377 Management in Sec. Educ. –1 credit –1 st 5 weeks: T 3:30-6:00 p.m.
Secondary Education Courses TED 356 Curriculum in Sec. Educ. –Helps you answer the question: WHAT DO I TEACH? TED 367 Methods in Sec. Educ. –The next course asks a different question: HOW DO I TEACH? TED 377 Management in Sec. Educ. –The third course will address the third and maybe hardest question: HOW DO I MANAGE?
Course Web Page Choose this course from My Courses tab on e-MU, or by going to this direct link: Download course syllabus, modules, and other material from this Website.
Syllabus: Evaluation Modules (25%): 7 modules, 1 for each course objective. Independent Projects (25%): 7 independent projects, 1 associated with each module. Class Activities (25%): 1 set of class activities, 1 associated with each module, completed in groups mostly in class. –Students who have unexcused absences will not be permitted to make up any of these activities. Due to the in-class nature of many of these activities, students must be present to participate in the activities. Even students with excused absences may not be able to complete the activities.
Syllabus: Evaluation Students are expected to submit modules by the due date established by the instructor. Points may be deducted for late submission.
Syllabus: Evaluation Final Examination (25%): Students who have demonstrated mastery by successfully completing the modules and independent projects will earn the opportunity to sit for a PRAXIS II-like, scenario-based Final Examination that will be administered during the last class meeting.
Syllabus: Attendance Attendance will be taken at each class meeting. To be excused from class, students must report off by calling Mrs. Rose Hometchko ( ) and by contacting the instructor (either by phone or by ).
Textbook Information Middle and High School Teaching: Methods, Standards, and Best Practices By James A. Duplass Houghton Mifflin ©2006 ISBN
Textbook Online 1.Textbook online resources: – middle_high/1e/students/index.html 2.Click on 1. Middle and High School Textbooks. 3.Password information: –Username: secondary –Password: methods Mark this down!
Online Resources ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) –“Full-Text” documents –PDF (portable document format). Can also be accessed from Ebsco Host databases at the Misericordia library.