Back to School Night Mr. Martinez 2 nd Grade Room 23
Daily Schedule 8:10 - 9:00 English Language Development (ELD) 9: :10 Math 10: :25 Recess 10:25 -11:45 English Language Arts 11:45 -12:25 Lunch 12:25 - 2:25 English Language Arts, Social Studies/Science, and P.E.
Computer Lab/Library Computer lab twice a week (Tuesdays & Fridays) Library (Thursdays) Please make sure your child brings their books on Thursdays otherwise they cannot check out another book.
Absences/Tardies School start at 8:10 am and ends at 2:25 pm (Except 1:25 pm) Please make sure you contact the office if your child cannot make it to school Your child should stay home if they have: fever, diarrhea, or vomiting
Report Cards/Grading One report card per trimester (3 total) Students are given letter grades (A,B,C,D,F) for: Reading, Writing, and Math Returned Assignments: ✓ system Effort Grades for: Social Studies, Science, and P.E.
P.E. Every Monday the whole school has P.E. with the P.E. teacher Mr. Moreno What students need: Water Closed toe running shoes. Clothes that are easy to move around in.
Coming to School Ready Every day students need to bring: Purple homework folder Agenda
Homework HW packets are given on MONDAYS and will be collected the following MONDAY Every day includes: Spelling, Math, and Reading log Please check and sign the front of the packet.
Reading Log Every child MUST read a minimum of 15 minutes daily. The reading log includes: Date, title, minutes read, and response The response prompt is located on the front of the HW packet. Classroom Incentive: Class Money
Agenda Bring agenda daily to class and check daily Students will write their HW daily Also used for communication *Not required to sign agenda ONLY HW packet *Not required to sign agenda ONLY HW packet
Tests/Quizzes Every Friday we have Spelling Tests Spelling words are not the same for all students. They are given words based on the spelling abilities. Reading and math quizzes/tests are given in between lessons. Tests are send home altogether on Mondays/Tuesdays.
Conferencing Parent conferences: October AND March Sign up Sheet on the U-shaped table for October 5 – 9 Now school October 7 (All day conferences) Conferences can be set up in between as nee ded
Behavior Clip Chart Start at “ready to learn” Can move up or down Top of the Chart = treasure box Parent Contact: a letter will be sent home or a phone call
Math Fluency Tests Addition/Subtraction fluency tests are given daily (see attached sheet in the packet) Trimester 1: +A to +R Trimester 2: +R to –I Trimester 2: -I to –Z **Passing all addition and subtraction gets a popcorn movie party!
Second Grade Standards What will we be learning in 2 nd grade? (see attached standards in packet) Visit California Department of Education Under Standards and Framework
Class Website Please register your to our class website to receive updates, reminders, and view pictures! (see handout) Log on to: Log on to: Go to the blue tab that says: Staff Directory Go to the blue tab that says: Staff Directory Click on: MR MARTINEZ 2ND GRADE Click on: MR MARTINEZ 2ND GRADE On the right click on: +SUSCRIBE On the right click on: +SUSCRIBE Enter your and you will receive updates every time something new is on our page! Enter your and you will receive updates every time something new is on our page!
Friday Spirit Wear Every Friday students and staff wear Rowland Rascal shirts to show school pride! You can purchase shirts from the PTA (order form attached in packet)
Technology Homework Students have access to all the great computer programs we use here at school! (see attachment in packet) If you have access to technology at home, it is recommended that your child does technology homework as well as their class homework.
Contacting the Teacher Best way to contact me is through Or you can send a note, call the school, or see me before/after school
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