RAILINC I ACACSO DDCT Cars at Shop Mark Aldenderfer ACACSO November 15,
RAILINC I ACACSO Today’s agenda Rule review DDCT car reported at shop by railroad DDCT car reported on-site by repair shop Railroad and repair shop report car on-site Neither railroad nor repair shop report car to shop 2014 DDCT projects 2
RAILINC I ACACSO Rule Review: Shop time equal for Rule 7 & 8 Shop Time Shop time responsibility of mark owner Shop time noted by verified LCS interchanges using special road mark “SHP7/8” LCS verified shop time will begin when: −Car ordered to shop −Interchange to shop event reported via TRAINII LCS verified shop time will terminate when: −Repair complete is reported to mark owner and repairs verified via DDCTS 3
RAILINC I ACACSO Rule Review: Intermediate carrier gets 720 relief hours Intermediate Carriers LCS transfers car hire to mark owner by interchanging car to “DSP7/8” during transportation on intermediate carriers to shop or home using LCS interchanges LCS transfers car hire to intermediate carrier by interchanging car from “DSP7/8” to intermediate carrier when: −Car remains on intermediate carrier more than 720 hours −Car changes load/empty status twice while on intermediate carrier 4
RAILINC I ACACSO DDCT car reported at shop by railroad 5 Event TimeFrom RoadTo RoadLCSDescription 11/1/ :00NSAMovement Event 11/1/ :10NSAMovement Event 11/1/ :20NSCSXTVInterchange From NS to CSXT 11/1/ :21CSXTDSP7/8GDDCT LCS places car hire in car owners account 11/1/ :22CSXTAMovement Event 11/1/ :25CSXTAMovement Event 11/2/ :20CSXTSHOPICSXT Reports Interchange to SHOP 11/2/ :20DSP7/8CSXTGGap record for continuity 11/2/ :21CSXTSHP7/8GDDCT LCS places car hire in car owner’s account 11/10/ :30SHOPCSXTICSXT Reports Interchange out of SHOP 11/10/ :31SHP7/8CSXTGDDCT LCS takes car hire out of car owner’s account
RAILINC I ACACSO DDCT car reported on-site by repair shop 6 Event TimeFrom RoadTo RoadLCSDescription 11/1/ :00NSAMovement Event 11/1/ :10NSAMovement Event 11/1/ :20NSCSXTVInterchange From NS to CSXT 11/1/ :21CSXTDSP7/8GDDCT LCS places car hire in car owners account 11/1/ :22CSXTAMovement Event 11/1/ :25CSXTAMovement Event 11/2/ :19DSP7/8SHP7/8GGap to show the cars is on-hand at Shop TRAIN messages only send to Car Owner 11/2/ :20SHP7/8 VCar is reported On-Hand by Repair Shop 11/25/ :00SHP7/8 VRepairs Complete LCS takes control and will place Car Hire into the next Carrier
RAILINC I ACACSO Railroad and repair shop report car on- site 7 Event TimeFrom RoadTo RoadLCSDescription 11/1/ :00NSAMovement Event 11/1/ :10NSAMovement Event 11/1/ :20NSCSXTVInterchange From NS to CSXT 11/1/ :21CSXTDSP7/8GDDCT LCS places car hire in car owners account 11/1/ :22CSXTAMovement Event 11/1/ :25CSXTAMovement Event 11/2/ :00CSXTSHOPIInterchange to Shop marked “I” by DDCT LCS 11/2/ :01DSP7/8SHOPGThese Gap records are created to show that the Railroaded reported the car to SHOP 11/2/ :02SHOPDSP7/8G 11/2/ :19DSP7/8SHP7/8GGap to show the cars is on-hand at Shop TRAIN messages only send to Car Owner 11/2/ :20SHP7/8 VCar is reported On-Hand by Repair Shop 11/25/ :00SHP7/8 VRepairs Complete
RAILINC I ACACSO Neither railroad nor repair shop reports car to shop 8 Event TimeFrom RoadTo RoadLCSDescription 11/1/ :00NSAMovement Event 11/1/ :10NSAMovement Event 11/1/ :20NSCSXTVInterchange From NS to CSXT 11/1/ :21CSXTDSP7/8GDDCT LCS places car hire in car owners account 11/1/ :22CSXTAMovement Event 11/1/ :25CSXTAMovement Event 11/5/ :00CSXTAMovement Event 12/1/ :21DSP7/8CSXTG720 Hours from interchange Car Hire is assigned back to the Carrier N/ACSXTDSP7/8GWhen the car is reported at shop car hire will move to DSP7/8 and then to SHP7/8 N/ADSP7/8SHP7/8G
RAILINC I ACACSO DDCT project update Expand DDCT rule compliance approved by RPSWC Build flexible DDCT framework to easily add new rules Add Rule 96 Convert current rules to be dynamic – Enables HC incident flexibility and reduces unnecessary overhead (e.g., requesting ADV when only dispo required) Review defect card workflow Face-to-face in November for project envisioning 9
RAILINC I ACACSO Questions? 10