7B speaking prompts Give commands to Sra. Nemec on what to do/not do while camping and having an outdoor BBQ/picnic. Give commands to your friends on what to do/not do while camping and having an outdoor BBQ/picnic.
8A speaking prompts- Look at the “W” and “R” in the WEIRDO packet You are a travel agent talking with a client. Make recommendations (use the usted form) about traveling internationally. Give advice about packing, getting though the airport, flying, customs, traveling in general, etc. Switch roles. Minimum 4 suggestions. Do the same prompt above, you are a travel agent, but talk to more than one client. (Uds. form)
8B speaking prompts: Look at the “I” in the WEIRDO packet Using impersonal expressions, give your friends (uds. form) some advice about an upcoming trip to a Spanish-speaking country of your choice Make sure to research this country to you know what are the most important sites to see! Make suggestions/give opinions about how to act and dress appropriately. Make sure to mention at least 4 specific activities/sites to see while you are there. Use 4 different impersonal expressions/subjunctive verbs each time. Be specific and do research on your country.
9A Brag to your partner about your IDEAL future (dream college, job, family). Explain WHY your future will turn out that way. Use the future tense. Talk to your partner about 3 younger celebrities. What will their futures be like? Explain WHY their futures will turn out that way. Use the future tense.
9B Use 3 expressions of doubt to talk about the environmental issues we will face and offer possible solutions. Use 3 expressions of certainty to talk about the environmental issues we will face and offer possible solutions.