Lets Get Our Kids Healthy… Today, Tomorrow, for Life!!! Samantha Hay
Goal: To offer new and unique tools to our students to teach them overall wellness in their activity and eating habits that they can take into their daily lives once they leave P.E. class.
Why incorporate these new tools to our students lives? Obesity rates in children are sky rocketing and we as physical educators need to be on the front line of putting an end to it. By teaching our students how they can use technology in their day to day lives to stay fit and healthy it will become second nature to them and it will show them new and fun ways to live healthy lives. The process will seem less daunting to them. Show students new ways to be active. Show students fun new ways to monitor their diet.
Pedometer Pedometers are a fun new way students can monitor how many steps they are taking each day. Students would probably be surprised how many they are not taking. With the pedometer male students up to age 18 can aim to take 13,000 steps a day and girls 11,000. If the steps aren’t being met it will encourage them to get moving. Make it fun by walking to a friends house as opposed to driving there! Walk in teams and groups to make activity social and fun!!
Pedometer Use/Value: To monitor the number of steps students are taking per day. Cost : I was able to find pedometers online for as little as $7.97. Source: pedometer?utm_medium=feed&utm_sou rce=froogle&gclid=COHgh9bn5bUCFZOe 4Aod4kcA8Q pedometer?utm_medium=feed&utm_sou rce=froogle&gclid=COHgh9bn5bUCFZOe 4Aod4kcA8Q
Heart Rate Monitor with Software Heart Rate Monitors can be used to assess how hard students work during PE class. A lot of times we find that people, especially those who may be less active tend to overestimate how hard they are working. With the use of the heart rate monitor and its compatible software students can see how hard their body is actually working, and how hard they should be to achieve their particular goals. It could also be part of the curriculum that students must meet a certain target heart rate specific to their needs during PE which will go towards their grade. This will also help them when they are at the gym or working out on their own so they begin to learn what it feels like for them to be at their target heart rate.
Heart Rate Monitor with Compatible Software Use/Value: To monitor students heart rate and assess is with the compatible software so students can further analyze and gather data on their work outs. Cost: Heart Rate Monitor – $93.00/Compatible Software - $61.00 ($154.00). Source: -bta/ -bta/ go-link/ go-link/
Body Fat Caliper It is important to teach our students that there are other ways to measure their progress than just on the scale, especially when they may first be first introduced to exercise or begin a new exercise program. A student may be losing body fat and building muscle so they don’t necessarily see their results on a scale. Measuring the change in their body fat can be a good way to measure progress and keep them away from a scale which can fluctuate and potentially cause discouragement.
Body Fat Caliper Use/Value: Measure body fat percentage and offer a different approach to measuring progress. Cost: $ Source: uct/Slim-Guide-Bodyfat-Caliper uct/Slim-Guide-Bodyfat-Caliper
Myfitnesspal Myfitnesspal is an online website or mobile app that students can use to help them with healthy eating and exercise. It is 100% free and gives them access to a food journal, a database of foods, exercises, amount of calories burned during their workouts, as well as offers support and motivation. This is something students can use on their own whether they are home or at school and teaches them proper eating habits and exercises that they can carry into their lives as adults. It is easily accessible and most importantly free to them which makes it even better!!
Myfitnesspal Use/Value: To monitor diet, exercise, and offer support and motivation that students can use from their home or school computer as well as their smart phone. Cost: 100% FREE!!!!!!! Source:
Pedometers $7.97 (students purchase) Heart Rate Monitor $93.00 Heart Rate Monitor Software $61.00 Body Fat Caliper $29.95 Myfitnesspal $0.00 Total Cost (less pedometers) : $ A small price to pay for student wellness Fundraising could be offered to students who may need assistance with purchasing a pedometer
Conclusion: I hope that through my presentation you were able to see the value in the products I’ve showed you. They are inexpensive in relation to the benefits the students will get out of them. They will teach them new and basic ways to incorporate health and fitness into their lives through technology and various tools so that they can carry those concepts with them into adulthood in a way that is not daunting or overwhelming to them. All students could benefit from the tools regardless of grade year (9-12), weight, or specific goals. They can all help each student in a variety of ways. Please consider the cost value of these in relation to the positive outcomes they will have in the lives of our students. You really cannot put a price on the health. Thank You